Preschool Director

Peninsula Community Church
Rancho Palos Verdes, California, United States
Date Posted: 03/26/2025
Categories: Children's Ministry - Christian Education - Administration/Assistant
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $60,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Peninsula Community Church

Preschool Director

Job Description

The Preschool Director will be responsible for directing all aspects of the church’s weekday preschool ministry.  The position is accountable to the Pastor for the performance of assigned responsibilities.  The Director shall provide leadership and coordination within a Christian environment and emphasis, maintaining the operation of the growing preschool to ensure the best program possible.  The Director shall strive for cohesive relationships between congregation, staff, students, parents, and community by clear, concise, and positive communication. 



A.A., B.A., B.S., M.A., or degree with a minimum of 15 units in Early Childhood Education including 3 units in Administration and three years’ experience as a fully qualified Teacher.

  1. The Preschool Director shall be a born-again believer.
  2. The Preschool Director should be a member in good standing of Peninsula Community Church.
  3. The Preschool Director shall meet the qualifications required by the State of California for “Day Care Center Directors” (section 101315).  The Director must have completed an AA degree (with an emphasis in early childhood education or child development) with 2 years teaching experience or a BA degree (with an emphasis in early childhood education or child development) with one year teaching experience in a licensed preschool or childcare facility.



  1. A commitment to the vision of the church leadership. Seeks to implement the vison of the Senior Pastor and the Board of Elders.
  2. An evangelistic goal orientation. Seeks to reach out to the community using the church-wide philosophy of ministry.
  3. A discipleship training priority. Seeks to recruit and train adult lay leaders and students to serve the needs and purposes of student ministries.



            Oversee every aspect of the preschool ministry.



  1. Assure compliance with all state agencies and requirements
  2. Achieve and maintain proper accreditation in the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
  3. Define policies of admission, attendance, tuition, and educational goals
  4. Prepare periodic reports for the Board of Elders and Congregation on the state of the school, and prepare and annual written report to the congregation
  5. Keep abreast of research and new developments in the field of early childhood
  6. Maintain a professional library
  7. Plan the yearly calendar of school holidays and special events
  8. Plan and schedule administrative responsibilities
  9. Supervise the management of personnel in their classroom schedules
  10. Schedule the use of shared classroom space and equipment with the church
  11. Schedule the responsibilities of the teaching staff
  12. Provide chapel programs or spiritual life education/development



  1. Prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board of Elders
  2. Operate the school within the budget
  3. Purchase equipment and supplies
  4. Collect enrollment fees and tuition
  5. Handle petty cash



  1. Supervise repairs and maintenance of equipment
  2. Supervise the management of classroom schedules, classroom space, and equipment
  3. Plan and equip indoor areas with appropriate furniture/equipment
  4. Manage supplies
  5. Replace equipment and restock supplies as needed



  1. Prepare job descriptions for all staff, recruit applicants to fill staff vacancies (subject to Pastor/Elder approval), and conduct annual personnel reviews for the preschool staff
  2. Conduct regular staff meetings
  3. Arrange for substitutes as needed
  4. Plan and implement procedures that lead to wholesome interpersonal relationships between staff members
  5. Plan and implement a plan professional growth for all staff members
  6. Supervise the staff in preparing daily, weekly, and yearly plans
  7. Assist the staff in developing a workable plan for using the indoor and outdoor space
  8. Prepare a staff handbook, approved by the church staff
  9. Keep personnel records



  1. Enroll children on a first-come basis
  2. Interview parents of prospective students
  3. Plan for the gradual orientation of newly enrolled students
  4. Familiarize the parents of newly enrolled pupils with school policies
  5. Be alert to current enrollment needs



  1. Maintain an active system of parent-school-church relationships
  2. Encourage families to become involved in the ministries of PCC
  3. Plan for the orientation of parents to school policies and procedures
  4. Plan and administrate a parent education program
  5. Communicate with parents in a wide variety of ways



  1. Plan and implement a health program for the school
  2. Keep health history records and physicians’ reports for children, staff
  3. Contact recognized agencies able to help children who have special needs
  4. Maintain a referral system for children who have special needs



  1. Plan with staff the educational and safety programs, including lockdowns
  2. Implement a program of playground safety
  3. Plan for and conduct fire drills and earthquake drills



  1. Supervise the management of the student’s program
  2. Plan for the evaluation of the students in relation to their school progress, abilities, and social needs
  3. Arrange a sound nutritional program



About Peninsula Community Church

Our mission is to fulfill the great commission by bringing people to faith in Jesus Christ and to membership in His family, developing them to Christ-like maturity, equipping them for ministry and assisting them in fulfilling their life’s mission.
