Lead Pastor

Temple Baptist Church
Jamestown, North Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 03/25/2025
Categories: Senior Pastor
Church Size: 251 to 350
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Temple Baptist Church (www.jamestowntbc.org) in Jamestown, North Dakota is seeking its next Lead Pastor and the timing could not be better to join this faithful church family as we explore how to more effectively achieve the mission to which God has called us: “To Know God and Make Him Known.”  We are eager to call an experienced Pastor and Leader to guide us, encourage us and challenge us as we adventure together for continued impact in Jamestown and the surrounding communities.

Affiliated with the North American Baptist Conference (NAB) www.nabconference.org, Temple Baptist Church (TBC) has a wonderful history of ministry in Jamestown and the surrounding area.  Founded in 1964, TBC was planted by a small group of faithful believers.  From the humble planting team of 70 who gathered on that first Sunday, to the nearly 300 who worship at TBC today, this church has continued to influence and serve their community for Jesus Christ.  TBC offers two identical services each Sunday, the second service livestreamed.  We focus on biblical teaching with a contemporary and engaging style of worship.

TBC understands that we are not “hiring” a Lead Pastor, but intentionally, carefully, and prayerfully seeking to discover the Servant Leader whom God is “calling” to Shepherd this flock in Jamestown, ND.  This profile is not an expression of professional skills as much as an expression of Shepherd-like qualities we believe important to help us accomplish God’s mission for us in the 21st Century.

I Timothy 4:12b-16 Essentials

  • We desire a Pastor who, in his personal life:
  • Is known for an intimate walk with God through personal time in the Word, prayer, and accountability to spiritual partners…
  • Is known for his devotion to his wife…
  • Is protecting himself against any accusation in his relationship with other women…
  • Is making margin in his life for his own children at home or adult children away from home…
  • Is submitting himself to both personal and ministry accountability partners who freely ask him hard questions.
  • Is committed to the stewardship of his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit…
  • Is known to be a good steward of his personal finances and therein content in times of plenty and times of loss…
  • Is known as a Servant Leader (one who above all is a “servant of the Lord”)…
  • Is known to love the flock of God…
  • Is not diverted from mission as a “people pleaser” (Gal. 1:10)…
  • We desire a Pastor who, in his cognitive life:
  • Is passionate about discovering what the author of any given text of Scripture intended to say to his contemporaries…
  • Is purposefully seeking to discover how the Gospel is rooted in every text of Scripture and committed to make it central to his teaching…
  • Is committed to understanding the generational distinctions within the culture and ministering in a way that helps each value the other…
  • Is continuing his education, especially in those fields/studies that enable him to strengthen the mission to which God has called us as a Church…
  • HAND ESSENTIALS (v. 14 – “Do not neglect THE GIFT YOU HAVE which was given you by prophecy when the council of ELDERS LAID THEIR HANDS ON YOU.”)
  • We desire a Pastor who, in his ministry life:
  • Is cognizant of his spiritual gift(s) and exercises them with freedom and joy…
  • Is committed to loving exhortation (interested in transformation, not just information)…
  • Is gifted in leadership, especially mentoring and equipping leaders …
  • Is able to lead the Elder Team in developing and communicating with clarity and passion God’s mission, vision, and strategy for this church...

Additional Essentials

[In no significant order of importance]

  • Is committed to a Gospel-centered preaching plan that calls and equips the church

To know God and make Him known”…

  • Is committed to a team approach to shepherding…
  • Is familiar with and values the use of technology in preaching/teaching, daily communication, and the worship services of the church…
  • Is available for Pastoral counseling keeping it in balance with prayer and the preaching of the Word…
  • Is committed to the further strengthening of the Life Group Ministry of the Church…
  • Is committed to personally sharing the Gospel and strengthening a holistic approach to the church’s outreach…
  • Is passionate about overseeing, coaching, and equipping church staff to accomplish the mission of the church in their assigned roles…
  • Is committed to engaging personally with people in the community of Jamestown, who are not part of TBC . . .
  • Is committed to being active with other churches and ministries of the North Central Association and North American Baptist Conference.
  • Is committed to the structure of the church: Elders who shepherd, Deacons who assist, and Members who serve

 Preferred Qualifications

[Apart from the clear Biblical qualifications listed in I Timothy 3 & Titus 1]

  • Minimum of 5 years Pastoral Church Ministry; preferably as Lead Pastor.
  • If married, a wife with a heart for ministry, and very supportive of her husband and his ministry. (She, however, will not be expected to fill a formal ministry role.)
  • Master of Divinity from an evangelical seminary
  • Previous experience managing multiple staff and willingness to serve with our existing full-time staff ( and Church Counselor), Pastoral Intern and part-time staff (preschool and elementary school students) as “first among equals” (i.e. – Overseeing their work while valuing their call to ministry). Also overseeing the Administrative Assistant in the office.
  • Been ordained or licensed and has those credentials with the NABC. If not, is willing to pursue full ordination credentials with the NABC.

To apply please send your cover letter and resume to pastorsearch@jamestowntbc.org.

For statement of beliefs of the NAB please go to About Us – North American Baptists, Inc. (nabconference.org)

About Temple Baptist Church

Temple Baptist Church is a close knit family oriented church located in Jamestown, North Dakota (centered between Fargo and Bismarck on Interstate 94).  Blessed with new facilities in 2011, our church is right next door to Jamestown High School where 700 students attend.  We also are across the street from the University of Jamestown.  Our strategic location positions us ideally for growth. The church has an awesome youth room, clearly visible from the high school.  Jamestown has a population of around 15,000 with plenty of opportunities for employment, as well as recreation.

For more information on Jamestown, ND check out https://discoverjamestownnd.com/. 
