Director of Preschool/Children

First Baptist Church Pelham
Pelham, Alabama, United States
Date Posted: 03/25/2025
Categories: Children's Ministry
Church Size: 751 to 1000
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:


Position Title: Director of Preschool / Children
Reports To: Executive Pastor and Family Pastor
Date Prepared / Revised: March 19, 2025
Approved: (TBA)

Principle Function

The Director of Preschool / Children is responsible for planning, directing, and
implementing the overall ministry of education, evangelism, pastoral care and
administration to all children (birth through 5 th grade) of FBC Pelham.

Specific List of Responsibilities

*Identify the needs of all children within the faith family and larger community to which
the church ministers. Develop an approved plan to minister to the needs identified.
*Plan specific ministry activities and programs designed to meet approved objectives.
*Collaborate with the Family Ministry Team on all Family events.
*Annually assess the effectiveness of ministry activities and programs and make
revisions as needed.
*Ensure that all children’s educational ministries are giving biblical instruction in
accordance with the mission of FBC Pelham.
*Supervise the work and overall direction of all Children’s Education classes.
*Conduct special training projects for workers (paid and volunteer) to ensure every
individual is in compliance with the Ministry Safe policies and procedures.
*Make timely requests for purchases of required materials, supplies, and equipment
needed for Children’s ministries, and advise in the use of each.

*Work with organization leaders to coordinate visitation and lead workers to visit
prospects and absentees.

*Work with program leaders and teachers and appropriate staff members to resolve
philosophical, procedural, and scheduling problems.
*Coordinate recruiting, screening, and training of all children’s workers.
*Recommend and assure provision of biblically based curricula and teaching resource
materials for use in preschool and elementary ministries. Implement and monitor the
use of each.
*Assure provision of needed teaching resource materials for preschool and elementary
*Serve as a counselor with children and with parents in matters of spiritual, personal,
and family concerns.
*Care for the needs of those serving in nursery, preschool, and elementary ministries.
*Work directly with the Childcare Coordinator in the supervision of the paid workers.
*Recommend to the Finance Committee an annual budget for the Preschool / Children’s
*Serve as an effective staff liaison to the Kindergarten and Mother’s Day Out program.
*Maintain and keep current the Preschool / Children’s social media and web page.

Other General Responsibilities

*Cooperate with the Senior Pastor and other staff members in promoting the entire plan
of FBC Pelham.
*Be available for counseling of church and nonchurch members as needs arise.
*Utilize the services of the secretarial and facilities staff, which are consistent with their
Position Descriptions.
*Supply articles on a periodical basis for use in FBC Pelham newsletter relating to your
responsible area of ministry.
*Give full support to the Operating Budget of FBC Pelham and avoid soliciting or
expending funds not previously authorized.
*Adhere to church approved guidelines as set forth in FBC Pelham Constitution and
Bylaws, as well as its personnel policy manual.

Basic Personal Responsibilities

*Maintain a vital and growing personal walk with the Lord through committed Bible
study, prayer.
*Maintain proper spiritual priorities in your home in relation to your spouse and children.
*Develop personal evangelism opportunities within and outside the church.
*Financially support the work of ministries of FBC Pelham by faithfully giving at least
10% of your gross income. Maintain wise stewardship measures over the remaining
*Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor.

Beliefs and Training
*Acknowledge Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
*Believe in the inerrant word of God.
*Fully support the Baptist Faith and Message.
*Realize that performance, dedication, and attitude are under the observation of both
mature and weak Christians, as well as unbelievers. Ensure that all actions reflect
honorably on Christ and the church.
*Must be called by the Holy Spirit to serve in this ministry and be in training or have
documented experience to the serve in the capacity to which called.
*Must be skilled in personal evangelism.
*Must have the ability to deal effectively and tactfully with church personnel, members,
and the general public.


*Seminary degree preferred.
*At least 2 years of successful, full-time ministry experience.

About First Baptist Church Pelham

First Baptist Pelham is a Christ-centered faith family that exists to make disciples for global impact by enjoying God through worship and prayer; by equipping disciples through teaching and serving; and engaging the world through missions and evangelism. Therefore, we are a Christ-centered, multigenerational congregation that stands on the authority of the Scripture. Our Worship Style engages multiple generations with a contemporary/blended sound. We have an exciting Children’s Ministry, engaging Student Ministry, and active Adult Ministry. Our beliefs affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message


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