Vision: To provide a workplace where the principles of character, chemistry and competency fuel Lifepoint’s mission.
One Line Job Description: Oversee and implement all production projects for the Lifepoint Lewis Center Campus ensuring a high-quality worship production experience.
Employee Category: Technical/Professional Staff
Character: We value consistent sensitivity to God and the practice of spiritual disciplines.
Engage in a daily devotional time involving prayer and God’s Word.
Participate in seasons of fasting and prayer.
Tithe to Lifepoint as a way of modeling biblical stewardship.
Consistently attend weekend worship gatherings.
Uphold the policies and procedures of Lifepoint Church.
Chemistry: We value relational connection with others and working in teams.
Share life with other believers through a Lifegroup.
Engage in a global mission trip at least once every two years.
Address and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.
Participate in weekly staff meetings and monthly cross-campus team meetings.
Maintain a healthy work-life balance within ministry.
Competency: We value a strong work ethic, professional growth and leadership development.
Build out lighting and visual content needs for the worship experiences and congregational gatherings.
Manage all lighting, including LED wall content, across LPLC and proactively identify new projects.
Work collaboratively with the worship staff to help brainstorm ideas for major projects such as Night of Worships, Easter, and Christmas.
Recruit and train team members for all production events.
Provide leadership and mentorship for members of the Lifepoint Church production team.
Keep an updated inventory list of all production equipment at LPLC.
Help schedule the production team for the worship experiences and congregational gatherings and facilitate production walk-through.
Help communicate with AVL vendors pertaining to installs, projects, deadlines, and obtaining competitive bids.
Actively seek ways to improve the worship experiences and congregational gatherings and collaborate with the Production staff and the LPLC Worship Pastor to determine the paths toward installations.
Meet regularly with the production staff and the Lewis Center Worship Pastor for communicating worship and production strategy and vision.
As needed, help facilitate production installs of campuses across all of Lifepoint Church.
Other duties as assigned by the Lewis Center Worship Pastor and Production staff.