Job Title: Associate Pastor (or Campus Pastor) for Crossroads Español
Job Classification: Full Time, Exempt
General Description
The associate pastor of Crossroads Español is a ministry and staff role of Crossroads Community Baptist Church ( is the spiritual leader and shepherd of the church. The associate pastor will meet the personal and spiritual qualifications found in 1Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1Peter 5:2-3. He is responsible for preaching and teaching the word of God while leading the people and the ministries of Crossroads Español to fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20.
The associate pastor is accountable to the Lord to work collaboratively with the Senior Pastor and Leadership Council, church staff, and other ministry leaders. Through fellowship, encouragement, cooperation, prayer support, and other appropriate methods, the associate pastor works to assure effective, efficient, and coordinated teamwork in all the ministries of the Crossroads Español campus. He must be willing to perform his duties in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the church.
Professional Qualifications
- The associate pastor should have a minimum of a ministry focused bachelor’s degree, though a Master of Divinity or similar Theology degree is preferred.
- The associate pastor should have 2+ years full-time pastoral experience in a Hispanic church or ministry.
- The associate pastor should have a solid understanding of the variety of cultures, ethnicities, generations and socio-economic diversity within Hispanic culture.
- The associate pastor should be able to communicate well in English and will have a solid understanding of American culture and its diverse ethnicities.
- The associate pastor will agree with the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1963.
Personal Qualifications
- A person of faith, vision, and leadership.
- Possesses excellent interpersonal skills; fluency in Spanish is required and must also be able to communicate well in English.
- Possesses a solid understanding of Hispanic culture and relates well, while also understands and functions well in American culture and can work with a diverse congregation.
- Maintains regular and disciplined personal worship, Bible study, and prayer.
- An effective communicator. He is flexible, friendly, tactful, compassionate, approachable, and honest.
- Deals with conflict biblically according to Matthew 18:15-17 and Matthew 5:23-24.
- Exemplifies the Scriptural qualifications of an Elder.
- Should have skills in pastoral care, teaching, leadership, and exhortation.
- Possesses a passion for a balance of expository and topical preaching.
Ministry Responsibilities
- Be a member of the church.
- Serve as a member of all pastor search teams.
- Serve as a member of the Leadership Council, a group of men and women responsible for leading the church to function in alignment with God’s mission/vision for the church.
- Coordinate worship services, prepare and deliver sermons, provide pulpit supply when absent or unable to preach, and lead the ordinances of the church.
- Work with the Leadership Council to plan, coordinate, and evaluate the total church program.
- Evangelism - Lead the church in a program of sharing the Gospel and in caring for persons in the church and in the community.
- Discipleship - Lead the church in an ongoing program of teaching and training to make disciples.
- Mentoring – Demonstrate passion to coach and teach others.
- Pastoral Counseling – Give biblical counsel, maintaining confidentiality and discretion.
- Work with staff and ministry teams to provide pastoral care for church members.
- In collaboration with the senior pastor, organize new membership classes.
- Perform wedding ceremonies, baptisms, and conduct funerals.
- Serve as a member of the Ministry Council, a group of men and women who are responsible for the tactical implementation of the church mission/vision, including ministry scheduling, coordination, and communication.
- Conduct membership transfer interviews and take decision to grant membership to prospective transferring members to the Leadership Council.
Staff Responsibilities
- Work with senior pastor, as well as the men and women on the Leadership Council, to fulfill its responsibilities.
- Oversee the development and implementation of ministries’ plans for Crossroad Español.
- Oversee and coordinate the various ministries of Crossroads Español.
- An ex officio member of teams and ministries as needed.
- Work collaboratively, creatively, and effectively as a member of the pastoral staff team.
- Assume an advisory role for any support staff members.
- Maintain strong accountability with the Crossroads staff in all areas of ministry for spiritual and numerical growth.
- Work with each staff member to maintain a balanced work schedule.