
First Congregational Church
Huron, South Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 03/19/2025
Categories: Executive Pastor
Church Size: 50 to 100
Job Type: Part-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $36,000 - $40,000
Employee Workplace: Flexible
Job Description:

First Congregational Church is seeking a Pastor who performs typical pastoral duties: Sunday worship, counseling as needed, funerals, weddings, coordinating lay leaders of the church with their committees.  The committees are Trustees, Diaconate, Stwardship, Fellowship, Memorials, Music, and Pastor Parish Relations.

We prefer a biblically conservative Pastor who preaches the Gospel.  We employ a very capable administrative assistant who works 20 hours/wk.

Our hope is the man who answers this call can put in roughly 20 hours a week, or as needed.  This would allow for an experienced  Senior Pastor to work part-time, or a young energetic Pastor who can dove-tail another occupation with serving this congregation.

  • We will provide a church profile pdf at the applicant's request, and our website can be accessed at
  • Our conference affiliation is Conservative Congregational Christian Conference (4 Cs).
About First Congregational Church


We are located in downtown Huron, SD with a congregation of around 50.  Theologically Reformed, utilize English Standard Version Bible.  Perform Believer's and Infant Baptism. We insist on a man in the pulpit.  We are seeking a part-time pastor.  We are flexible to allow for time to perform a second occupation. We provide a 20 hour/week office assistant.  Ideally we would like to grow the congregation with fellow believers.  
