Job Description:
Church Experience has locations in Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania with several more campuses in development! We have a big vision to help more people experience a full life in Jesus Christ! We have a passion for Jesus, amazing team, inspiring culture, a visionary senior pastor, and are a modern church (style) that is Biblically solid!
About the Position
Location: 1400 San Christopher Dr, Dunedin, FL 34698
We’re looking for a full-time worship leader at our Dunedin, Fl Campus in Dunedin Fl. We're looking for someone that brings high passion and talent to their on-stage leadership and 'gets' our modern worship style vision. This position would oversee our Music & Arts Ministry, including our worship team and tech team.
-leading worship for 3 services each Sunday morning + Thursday night rehearsal
-setting up Ableton worship sets each week
-light key familiarity or teachability
-pro presenter 7 experience
-experience leading worship in a modern worship environment
-supporting & training worship leaders at other campuses
If you are interested in the position, send both your resume and a video of you leading worship. Please send those two items to:
On January 11, 2014 Brandon & Jennifer Bruce arrived in the Clearwater (FL) area with a God-given vision to start a new church. On January 19, 2014, 9 adults and 6 kids gathered in an apartment living room in Clearwater. Then, exactly one year from when the Bruce family arrived, Church Experience launched on January 11, 2015. It was an incredible moment that impacted hundreds of people, but only the beginning of a greater movement to help more people experience a full life in Jesus Christ! Since that time, a growing number of people have experienced God's amazing grace and love! In 2019, First Christian Church of Dunedin (FL) began discussion about merging into Church Experience, which was made official early the following year. In early 2020, a launch team began to form in Wesley Chapel (FL) to start a new CE campus! After much prayer and planning, God began to birth our "Better Together" vision making CE "one church with many experiences". CE is not a denomination, network, or association (we are "one church") and we offer unique customized ministry in each community with a Lead Pastor at each location ("many experiences"). In late 2020, The Intersection Community Church in Butler, PA merged into CE to form CE Northeast. New campuses are being added regularly through church planting and through mergers. We believe we're only experiencing the first chapter of the great story God is writing through this church to help more people experience a full life in Jesus Christ!