Worship, Youth and Young Adults Pastor

North Marion Fellowship
Hubbard, Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 03/25/2025
Categories: Associate Pastor - College/Young Adult Pastor - Worship/Music Ministry - Young Adult Pastor - Youth Pastor
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $50,000 - $60,000
Employee Workplace: Flexible
Job Description:

North Marion Fellowship Associate Pastor of Worship, Youth & Young Adults Job Description

Position:  Associate Pastor of Worship, Youth & Young Adults

Supervisor:  Accountable to Senior Pastor and NMF Elders           

Summary of Statement of Duties: 

This position has the duties of leading our worship/worship teams, reaching/discipling youth (6th-12th Grades) for Christ and connecting with Young Adults all with the goal of developing people who “Delight in God and share His love and become devoted followers of Christ.” (NMF Mission Statement)

Full Time Position                                               Compensation- $50,000-$60,000 annual salary

Minimum Qualifications

A growing relationship with Jesus Christ. 

A call to full time ministry 

A vibrant faith, knowledge of the Bible and strong public skills and attributes.

A passion for working with musicians, youth/their families and young adults.

A demonstrated ability to organize and lead in a variety of ministries.

A degree in a ministry related field and/or significant ministry experience and commitment to becoming credentialed in the EFCA within 24 months (if not already)

A concern for the salvation of others. 

A commitment to and agreement with the Statement of Faith and Core Values of North Marion Fellowship.



To be a godly follower of Christ who sets an example to youth and adults living a life of integrity according to biblical standards.
Maintain a regular time of Bible study, prayer, devotions, and personal spiritual growth.
To have seeking the Lord and prayer as the foundation of ministry.
To implement the “NMF Vision Statements for Worship and Youth” (attached for reference) within the core values of NMF. (see our website for core values and more information on NMF at www.northmarionfellowship.com)
Weekly meeting with the Sr. Pastor for encouragement, prayer, sharing and evaluation of ministries.
Providing leadership as a member of the Leadership team at North Marion Fellowship, demonstrating a commitment to this congregation and its mission.  
Attend Elders meetings (when requested)
Occasional preaching in main service  
Other duties as assigned by Sr. Pastor

Worship Specific:

Building a “Body” in the Worship Team as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12 where every member’s gifts are utilized and valued.  Recruiting, teaching, and training musicians and AV technicians in the church to serve the congregation as a team with musical skill and humility.  Building team abilities through cooperation, shared contribution, and responsibility.
Modeling and leading heartfelt worship that draws people in to worship, encourages people of all ages to participate and points people to God.
Participate regularly in planning meetings that provide for:
Planning our weekly Sunday 10:30 AM worship service by choosing congregational songs and hymns that engage the congregation and support the weekly reading and preaching of God’s Word (as described in the preaching schedule). Ongoing input from worship team members.
Setting the upcoming month’s worship schedule including responsibilities for vocalists, musicians, media, and sound staff, as well as set lists for Sundays and plans for weekly rehearsals.  
Leading and participating in worship practice before the weekly service.  Weekly rehearsals serve a dual purpose: (A) preparation for Sunday service and (B) shepherding and cultivation of Christ-centered community.
Building on our traditions and having a vision for where God might be calling our congregation and our musicians to grow in new expressions of worship.
Seeking opportunities to include more people in worship team activities through open practices, special events (Christmas, Easter, etc), and mentoring.
The Worship Leader is expected to: (A) be gifted in leading congregational worship with instrument(s) (B) possess leadership and organizational skills, and (C) be a team player (D) be open to mentoring and guidance from church leadership and senior worship team members.

Youth Specific:

Be intentional about building relationships with youth and their parents.
Work with the Youth Ministry Team to develop, implement and lead a Middle School (6th-8th Grade) and High School (9th-12th Grade) Youth Ministry program that will promote spiritual growth, wholesome activities which will lead to a personal salvation experience, ongoing discipleship and spiritual maturity, including service opportunities, retreats, summer camps, mission trips and age-appropriate leadership training.
Provide Fundraising opportunities for various youth events such as retreats, camps, etc.
Overseeing that all Youth volunteers have background checks and fill out the Children’s/ Youth Application to be approved by pastors.  
Recruit, train, and support volunteer leaders, teachers and helpers in Youth ministry.
Provide clear and regular communication with church staff, parents, youth and congregation through staff meetings, weekly bulletin, emails/texts, NMF website and other applicable social media.
Be active in the lives of NMF Youth and outreach to unchurched youth through outreach/ service opportunities, visitation, and activities at local schools and community.

Young Adults Specific:

Facilitate ministry to young adults by connecting and interacting with them.
Encourage and help lead young adults/couples to connect with one another for fellowship, discipleship and church life.
Assist youth in transition to young adult’s ministry.

About North Marion Fellowship

Overview of North Marion Fellowship

North Marion Fellowship started in 2008 as a church plant from Bethany Church in Canby. I pastored at Bethany Church for 17 years in various roles. We are here in the North Marion community to show the love of Jesus and be a light to our surrounding community. We are very involved in the community whether through work days at the NM Schools, Hubbard Annual Christmas Tree Lighting, Hubbard Annual Easter Egg Hunt (handing out Hot Chocolate/Coffee/Balloons to families), partnering with Love INC, Kingdom Kids outreach, Youth Group, providing Growing Families classes/events and much more! OUR MISSION
To delight in God and share His love so that all may become devoted followers of Christ.         

“Delighting in God…Loving People”

What Are the Core Values of our Church?

  • We value Biblical Preaching/Teaching
    We strive to teach and learn all of God’s Word so that we may know and love God intimately and live out His purpose for us.
  • We value Worship
    We strive to understand and practice worship in Spirit and truth. We desire to worship more passionately and with joy both individually and as a church body.
  • We value Prayer
    We strive to diligently seek God in cooperate and individual prayer; to know Him better and to know His will for our lives and church.
  • We value Loving Relationships
    We strive to be a people who are loving, caring and involved in each other’s lives.
  • We value Un-Churched People
    We desire to love and reach out to the un-churched people in our lives with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • We value Developing Leadership/Service
    We desire to develop and equip all our people to discover and use their God given gifts and talents to accomplish the ministry in and outside the church.
  • We value World Missions
    We desire to be a church that reaches the world with the Gospel by sending resources and people as God leads and directs.


A Church that knows and loves God...

We will strive to be a church where people are regularly and joyfully spending time knowing and obeying God. We are a people who individually and as a church spend time reading, studying and applying the Bible to our lives. We want the North Marion area to see and receive the life-changing message of Jesus and His Word

A Church that worships God…

We will strive to be a church where people understand true worship happens on all days of the week. As we come together we will strive for authentic and joyful worship that includes music, prayer, the Word, multi-media, testimony, etc. with the goal of showing God how much we praise and love Him for who He is and what He has done for us.

A Church that prays…

We will strive to be a church where people not only say that they pray but where people actually pray. We want to be a church where we regularly pray on our own, in the services, in our Home Groups, and with “seasons of prayer”. We want to provide opportunity for people to pray for our church regularly through our Intercessor Ministry. Prayer is not a program but is a part of everything we do.

A Church that has loving relationships…

We will strive to be a church where people are loving, caring and involved in each other’s lives. We will do this through personal friendships, Home Groups and groups of spiritual growth and accountability.

A Church that reaches out to un-churched people…

We will strive to be a church where we are loving others in practical ways. When people think of our church they will see a church that loves others by caring for their needs, a church involved in and serving their community in lots of creative ways. We will be a people who build friendships with our family, neighbors, co-workers, and community friends so that they will see how a follower of Christ lives and desire the hope and joy in us. We will strive to lead our friends and relatives to a personal and saving faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.

A Church where everyone is serving…

We will strive to be a church were people are discovering and using their God given talents and gifts to serve in the church and their community. We will be a church that trains and equips people to become leaders through our Home Groups, one on one or cluster mentoring and other opportunities made available.

A Church that is reaching the world with the Gospel…

We will strive to be a church where we are involved in various ministries around the world. Every person will be involved by praying, giving and going. We want to be a church that sends out teams of missionaries to various parts of the world with the encouragement and prayer for God to call full-time missionaries/pastors from our church. With God’s help we will strive to help plant more healthy churches in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the world.

Our website is www.northmarionfellowship.com
