Cookeville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Preferably, the successful candidate should have a college degree and experience working with children and/or youth. As a minimum, the Director of Youth and Family Ministries needs to demonstrate the following:
- A personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as well as a strong desire to serve within the church.
- A sense of calling to minister to the youngest members of our church.
- Ability to work with children and youth.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Ability to plan, organize, lead, and guide complex projects and spontaneous activities related to children and youth ministries.
- Competence in basic lay counseling and listening skills appropriate for children and youth ministry.
- Willingness to work cooperatively with others, to maintain a positive outlook and disposition, and to be flexible in solving problems.
- The ability to protect the reputation and integrity of others through strict confidentiality. Refraining from indiscriminately sharing personal information is critical. Discretion must be exercised when dealing with the public, youth and their parents, and the church’s leaders and members.
- Conduct oneself in a manner that is appropriate as a representative of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church to the children, youth, members of the congregation, and our community.
- Possess a willingness to understand and teach the theology expressed in the Confession of Faith of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Principle Duties and Responsibilities:
- Plan, coordinate and evaluate a comprehensive program of ministry and education for the children and youth of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
- Build relationships of integrity with children and youth that become the basis of meeting needs, sharing Christ, and involving our children and youth in the ministry of the church.
- Coordinate all aspects of the 5-12 Grade Youth Group, ensuring there is opportunity todevelop fellowship, spiritual formation, discipleship and the experiencing of Christian community. Special emphasis should be placed on Wednesday night activities. Various material and age appropriate styles of presentation are encouraged. Opportunity should also be given for youth to plan mission experiences, fellowship experiences and trips as well as other recreational activities.
- Coordinate all aspects of the PreK through 4th Grade Children’s Ministry program, ensuring there is the opportunity to develop fellowship, spiritual formation, discipleship and the experiencing of Christian community. Opportunity should be given to experience age-appropriate Christian education (VBS, Children’s Fest, etc.) and Christian fellowship (Easter Egg hunt, Trunk or Treat, local group activities, etc.)
- Encourage youth and children to participate in all age-appropriate ministries of the church with the understanding that most activities of the church are appropriate for all ages.
- Be responsible for the budgeted funds for the Children’s and Youth ministries, assuring that proper records are kept for all expenditures and income.
- Be responsible for securing travel arrangements, leadership, adult chaperones, while providing Christian teaching, times for worship, prayer, and scripture study throughout local children’s trips and all youth trips, retreats, and mission/work camp experiences.
- Develop relationships and maintain regular communication with parents of participating children and youth.
- Develop and coordinate the roles and responsibilities of volunteer leaders. Provide support, encouragement, Christian community and spiritual nurture for volunteer workers through prayer/support meetings.
- Participate in and promote participation in youth activities of Murfreesboro Presbytery, Tennessee Synod, and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (camps, retreats, etc.).
- Participate in the life of the children and youth by attending special secular events (i.e. sports, dramas, concerts, graduations) in which the youth of the church are participating.
- Assist in the scheduling, planning, and promotion of occasional opportunities for youth participation or leadership during Sunday morning worship.
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Prepare written reports for the church session each month.
- Attend regularly scheduled and specially called staff meetings.
- Attend church session and other meetings as needed or requested.
Attend both Sunday morning worship services and Church School.