Student Pastor

First Baptist Church Pelham
Pelham, Alabama, United States
Date Posted: 02/19/2025
Categories: Youth Pastor
Denominations: Baptist -- SBC
Church Size: 751 to 1000
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $60,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Position Title: Student Pastor
Reports To: Family Pastor

Principle Function

To set and cast the vision for the Student Ministry and to coordinate, administer, and
evaluate all aspects of the program, including discipling students, equipping leaders,
and fostering spiritual growth among both middle school and high school families in
accordance with the overall mission and vision of FBC Pelham.
Specific List of Responsibilities

Student Discipleship:

• Provide for aspects of the Sunday morning Bible study hour.

  • Planning for space, approval of curriculum and other resources to be
  •  Recruitment and training of Bible study leaders under the guidance
    of the Family Pastor.

• Provide Wednesday night programming for all students.

  •  Planning for space, Bible study topics, leadership needs, and other
    resources to be used.

• Plan an annual calendar that includes youth gatherings, camps, retreats, and other
events to encourage spiritual growth and meet their social needs.

  •  Sufficient workers must be present to help supervise these social
  • Follow the guidelines of the church’s Child First Safety Policy.
  • Scheduling approval is in coordination with supervisors.


  • Provide annual budget aligned with calendar to advise in the use of program
    materials, equipment, supplies, and space by students in all church program
    •  Budget approval is in coordination with the Finance Committee and
      Executive Pastor.

• Focus on building relationships, strengthening self-esteem, and encouraging
students to become established as Christian disciples.

• Minister to students and their families when they are in a hospital or in other
primary moments of their lives.

  •  Utilize appropriate avenues of contact including visits, campus
    contact, and social media.

• Coordinate with lay leadership and appropriate staff members to resolve
philosophical, procedural, and scheduling problems in the student ministry.

Equip Leaders:

• Recruit, develop, train, and retain leaders/volunteers and ministry staff
• Get to know, love, and care for those serving in this area and sphere of influence.
• Encourage and empower volunteers both individually and as a group on a regular
• Cultivate a relational ministry culture built on trust.
• Lead by example in contacting leaders, students, and student parents on a frequent
basis outside regular programming.
• Celebrate milestones as an effort to cultivate unity throughout the ministry.

Other general responsibilities

• Cooperate with the Senior Pastor and other staff members in promoting the entire
ministry plan of FBC Pelham.
• Be available for counseling of church and non-church members as needs arise.
• Utilize the services of the ministerial assistants, which are consistent with their
position descriptions.
• Supply articles for use in the FBC Pelham newsletter relating to your responsible
area of ministry as requested.
• Give full support to the operating budget of FBC Pelham and avoid soliciting or
expending funds not previously authorized.
• Serve as an effective staff liaison to assigned Ministry Teams and/or Standing
Committees as requested.
• Adhere to church approved guidelines as set forth in FBC Pelham’s Constitution
and Bylaws as well as its personnel policy manual.
• Conduct regular meetings with parents for information and feedback concerning
the coordination of student activities and ministries.

Basic personal responsibilities

• Maintain a vital and growing personal walk with the Lord through committed Bible
study and Prayer.
• Maintain proper priorities in your home and, if married, be a spiritual leader to your
spouse and children.
• Develop personal evangelism opportunities within and outside the church.
• Financially support the work of the ministries of FBC Pelham by faithfully giving
at least 10% of your gross income. Maintain wise stewardship measures over the
remaining 90%.
• Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor.

Beliefs and Training

• Acknowledge Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
• Believe in the inerrant Word of God.
• Fully support the Baptist Faith and Message.
• Realize that performance, dedication, and attitude are under the observation of
both mature and weak Christians, as well as unbelievers. Ensure that all actions
reflect honorably on Christ and the church.
• Must be called by the Holy Spirit to serve in this position and be in training or
have documented experience to serve in the capacity to which called.
• Must be skilled in personal evangelism.
• Must have the ability to deal effectively and tactfully with church personnel,
members, and the general public.


• Seminary Degree or equivalent.
• At least 2 years of successful ministry leadership experience.

About First Baptist Church Pelham

First Baptist Pelham is a Christ-centered faith family that exists to make disciples for global impact by enjoying God through worship and prayer; by equipping disciples through teaching and serving; and engaging the world through missions and evangelism. Therefore, we are a Christ-centered, multigenerational congregation that stands on the authority of the Scripture. Our Worship Style engages multiple generations with a contemporary/blended sound. We have an exciting Children’s Ministry, engaging Student Ministry, and active Adult Ministry. Our beliefs affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message


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