Pastor of Care and Leadership Development

Restored Church Los Angeles
Chatsworth, California, United States
Date Posted: 01/31/2025
Categories: Associate Pastor - Discipleship/Groups Pastor - Pastoral (Other)
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $85,000
Employee Workplace: Hybrid
Job Description:

The Pastor of Care and Leadership Development supports the elders by caring for our Gospel Community leaders, developing future leaders, and overseeing counseling and complex shepherding situations.

Position Details

  • Caring and Shepherding:
  • Intentionally meeting every Gospel Community leader each round to check in on their heart, life, and leadership
  • Helping care and assist church members who are experiencing excessive challenges
  • Pre-marital counseling, marital counseling, and any other counseling needs from members
  • Leadership Development:
  • Leading a weekly small group of future leaders and preparing them to lead Gospel Communities
  • Working with apprentices to help them with their weaknesses


  • A passionate love for Jesus
  • A shepherding gift and deep love for people
  • Five years of full-time pastoral experience
  • Clear communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • A background in Christian counseling or related fields is beneficial.
  • Must be willing to learn, adapt, and apply new skills in various situations.


If you’re interested in this position, please email your resume along with brief responses to the following questions to

  1. Please tell us about yourself, including how you came to faith in Jesus and your current faith journey. 
  2. Please describe your call to ministry and your understanding of your gifts for ministry.
  3. Share a recent example of how you used the gospel to counsel someone. 
  4. Where do you stand on spiritual gifts, alcohol, women in eldership, LGBTQ+, and American Politics?
About Restored Church Los Angeles

Restored Church is passionate about enjoying Jesus, making disciples and planting churches. We planted this church 9 years ago. We are in the San Fernando Valley (Chatsworth) in Los Angeles. Our vision is to witness all peoples, in all places, enjoying and obeying Jesus. We are a part of a Family of Churches located primarily in Southern California but connected to churches around the world. We have 6 core values that shape everything we do:

GOSPEL: We are a church that strives to never move on from the good news of what Jesus has done for us, but deeper into it. We are motivated to obey God not because we're trying to earn God's love but because we're already loved in Jesus.

FAMILY: We are a church that strives to live like a healthy family in the way we love, serve, and care for one another. We aren't just a weekly service but a community of messy people who live with each other day in and day out.  

DEPENDENCE: We are a church that strives to live dependently on the power of the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. We aren't trying to fix ourselves with our own power, but trusting His power to work in us.

MISSION: We are a church that strives to live as missionaries wherever we live, work, and play through our words and deeds. We want to be a safe community where it's safe to belong before you believe.

MULTIPLICATION: We are a church that strives to raise up and multiply disciples, leaders and churches into the nations.

RENEWAL: We are a church that seeks the renewal of all things. We want to see Jesus’ mercy and justice advance through every area of our lives, so that all peoples can experience His Kingdom in our city and world.
