Momeyer Baptist Church
Pastoral job description
Qualifications- The Senior Pastor must fulfill the Biblical qualifications and roles of a shepherd/pastor/overseer/bishop/elder as defined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4. While formal education and previous pastoral experience are preferred, Momeyer Baptist Church is first and foremost seeking a pastor who, like David the Shepherd, is a man after God’s own heart. He must adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Responsibilities?Preaching- The Senior Pastor will ensure that the congregation is fed spiritually through the preaching of God’s Word. He will preach the majority of Sunday morning sermons to approximately 115 regular attenders, but can also develop leaders by allowing them to preach.
Prayer- The Senior Pastor will foster a culture of prayer for the church by modeling a deep conviction to intercession.
Leadership- The Senior Pastor will lead the deacons, office staff, and lay leaders both in both formal and informal settings. His goal is to equip the church for kingdom work and develop new leaders and workers. He will work with the leadership team to communicate Christ’s vision for the church. He will help manage the annual budget. He will be responsible for oversight of the operations of the church campus and ministries.
Work Expectations - including what was said above, the pastor is expected to be at most major church functions and in the office for regular office hours throughout the week. He will personally be responsible for the teaching and coordination of teaching of Wednesday night services and overseeing the ministries of the church. He will be expected to fulfill his pastoral duties, by doing or coordinating the visitation of the shut ins and the hospitalized, and by organizing outreach for evangelism and new attendees. He’s expected to discharge his duties as laid out in the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws as well. The Articles of incorporation and bylaws are available upon request.
Care- The Senior Pastor will ensure the flock is being equipped to meet the many care needs within it. He is expected to model that care as well as engaging the congregation to meet needs as they arise. Care duties will often require working irregular hours.
Salary- Total compensation commensurate with experience, and competitive for full time service in our area.
Please include as your application:
Cover Letter?and Resume- To include education, previous employment, contact information, and 3 References. 3 Sermon Samples- Audio files or internet links are preferred
Please send to:
Here at Momeyer Baptist Church, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!