Position Overview
The two churches in Leota, Minnesota - Bethel Reformed Church (Reformed Church in America) and Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church (Christian Reformed Church in North America) are in the process of uniting together as a newly formed organized church. This new congregation will be joining a neutral denomination - the Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination. A transitional interim pastor has been assisting the two churches in this process and will be responsible for making sure it is completed. The next pastor is not expected to be involved in the process but rather concentrate immediately upon the ministry.
The pastor search team is looking for the person to carry out Leota Community Church's mission statement: "Uniting Together in Christ's Love to Glorify God." The people believe that a continual emphasis on unifying the two congregations today will lead to an effective community outreach and church growth for the future years.
The job description reflects the expectations and responsibilities required on the part of the pastor to ensure a dynamic ministry for Leota Community Church.
Primary Responsibilities
1. Leadership
2. Worship/Preaching
3. Pastoral Care
4. Discipleship/Spiritual Development
5. Community Outreach
Professional Qualifications
1. Hold a Master of Divinity degree from an accredited seminary.
2. Ordained and a participating member in good standing in the Christian Reformed Church, Reformed Church, Evangelical Presbyterian Church or another historic Reformed denomination.
3. Commited to Reformed theology.
Compensation (based upon a full-time position)
1. Compensation includes salary, medical benefits, travel, paid vacation and retirement compensation (details to be shared later).
2. A parsonage is provided for the pastor and family.
For more information or apply, email Pastor Mike Scott (interim pastor) at leotapastorsearch@gmail.com
A church profile is available in the church website: leotacommunitychurch.org