Associate Family Pastor Position

Christian Community Church
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 12/18/2024
Categories: Associate Pastor - Campus Pastor - Family Pastor - Pastoral (Other) - Youth Pastor
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 101 to 150
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Position: Associate Pastor of Family Ministry

Salary: Full Time

Reports to: Elders, Lead Pastor

Non-denominational, elder-led church of 125+ is looking to add a full time Associate Pastor of Family Ministry to its existing ministry team. We are located in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania just 15 miles north of downtown Pittsburgh. We are passionate about truth and conviction with love and compassion for our community. We value strong theology, strong leadership, dynamic worship, deep relationships and determined evangelism. Visit for more about our church including links to our doctrinal statement, church constitution and ministry covenant. Current worship services can be viewed on our YouTube channel at

Qualifications: (a male who meets the following)

• Saved by faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and able to articulate a testimony of faith

• Theologically sound - aligned with the CCC Doctrinal Statement

• Formally educated in a Biblical studies program, seminary or related program

• Previous experience in church ministry

• Demonstrates spiritual and relational maturity

• Demonstrates effective communication skills

• Able to lead teams and work well with other staff, ministry leaders and volunteers

• Willingness to submit to church leadership and embrace accountability

• Experience with special needs individuals and their families is a plus

• Able to obtain state and federal child abuse and criminal history clearances as defined in our Safe

Sanctuary Child Protection Policy


• Oversight over existing youth ministry programing

• Lead youth ministry meetings and activities including the planning, coordination and implementation of weekly youth group meetings (Sunday nights, Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings)

• Planning and implementing other ministry and missions events with teenagers

• Collaborate with the youth ministry team, church staff and other volunteers

• Develop a wholistic approach to family ministry that extends beyond teenagers and into the life of the whole family unit

• Manage budgets that are related to family ministry

• Collaborate with the lead pastor and church staff in planning, coordinating and leading the overall ministries of the church as needed

• Communicate with the church family as necessary for the fulfillment of ministry objectives

• Engage the local communities around the church to facilitate outreach and evangelism

• Some preaching and teaching in a variety of settings

• Attend church services and meetings regularly as a committed member of the church family

To express interest in this position, please send resume to

Loving God • Loving Each Other • Loving the World


About Christian Community Church

Non-denominational, elder-led church of 125+ is looking for a part time youth pastor.  We currently have ~20 teenagers and have a heart for special needs ministry.  We are located in Gibsonia, PA, just north of Pittsburgh. Please feel free to check out for more information about CCC.
