Student Families Director/Pastor

Hicksville Cornerstone Church
Hicksville, Ohio, United States
Date Posted: 12/17/2024
Categories: Children's Ministry - Family Pastor - Youth Pastor
Denominations: Missionary Church
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $45,000 - $55,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Search Expectations

We are not looking for the most impressive, experienced, or gifted candidate; rather, we are looking for the candidate with whom we connect most deeply. Whom we feel can “bring to” and “grow into” the role at Hicksville Cornerstone Church.


Position Description 


“Everyone a Disciple” is the vision statement of our church. We desire everyone to be in relationship with Jesus, and to be extending the relationship of Christ to others. Because we recognize the challenges ahead, we desire to reach the rising generations. We are looking for someone who has a heart for outreach and discipleship for families with children and youth. We are a Missionary Church. We are looking for someone with a strong call for gospel ministry, a mature faith, and led by the Holy Spirit to serve Jesus Christ. 



• A commitment to serve God through discipleship and outreach to the community. 

• Demonstrates a heartfelt love for students, a desire for them to grasp what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and to live as His disciples. 

• Help recruit and equip volunteers, plan and organize a year-round-ministry in a mid-size church. (Currently, roughly 200 a Sunday) 

• A desire to become a pastor in our denomination, if not already.

• Ability to communicate effectively, written and verbal. 

• Ability to connect and build relationships with young families in and outside our church. 



• Outreach: Develop outreach opportunities and events to welcome young families and youth, in and outside our church and in local schools, to a relationship with Jesus Christ and develop ministries that come alongside the families of the church to help grow in their faith. 

• Build relationships with youth: Make time to be with youth and their friends to meet them where they are at spiritually and developmentally.

• Substitute teach or coach : Our village revolves around the school. To NOT be involved with the school in some capacity is to NOT be involved with the students. We would ask you to either work at the school in a substitute teaching position (2 days a week), or in a coaching capacity to best interact with the students throughout the week.

• Youth ministry: Develop and lead all youth activities, which include mission trips, local mission opportunities, conference trips, and special events.

• Family discipleship: Develop strategies and identify resources to equip parents to disciple their families and to participate in the life of the Church.

• Pastoral care to youth and families: Walk alongside parents to provide support, encouragement, and guidance to help with the challenges and needs youth have today. 

• Teach membership classes with high school students every 2 years.

• Communicate proactively: Maintain regular, weekly communications with our congregation with focus on youth, parents, volunteers, teachers, and leaders. 

• Preaching and worship: The Pastor will assist in leading worship. This includes preaching on a semi-regular basis and administering sacraments. 

• Additional duties: Other pastoral duties, including rotation schedule for hospital visits, that may be assigned by Senior Pastor or Elder Board. These additional duties shall not interfere with primary responsibilities as set forth above and reviewed annually with Senior Pastor and Elder Board to protect primary focus of this position. 



• Relates to students as friend, teacher, counselor, and mentor. 

• Relates to parents as encourager, equipper, and counselor. 

• Relates to volunteers as leader, equipper, and encourager. 

• A team player and fellow member of leadership team (Senior Pastor, Elder Board, Deacons, and Staff) 

• Participates regularly in the overall life of the Church. 



Reports to Senior Pastor and will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Elder Board who will also review adequacy of compensation. 



$45,000-$55,000 depending on experience



About Hicksville Cornerstone Church

Everyone a Disciple

Vision of Hicksville Cornerstone Church

Matthew 28:18-20
"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

What is a Disciple?

A Follower

Someone who adheres to the teachings of Jesus. Someone who, because of God’s grace, conforms their words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus. Or, as others have put it in the past, disciples of Jesus are themselves “little Christs” (Acts 26:28; 2 Corinthians 1:21).

A Worshiper 

Someone whose response to Jesus is worship. Like the blind man in John 9, they respond in worship when confronted with Jesus. And like the woman at the well in John 4, responds in worship in Spirit and in truth.

A Witness  

Someone who by their actions shows love to their neighbor. They serve those around them. By their words they speak truth in love to their neighbor. Therefore, they are ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). 


Mission Statement

As Christ's ambassadors, pledged to honor and obey Him, we will build a disciple making culture in our community, united by love and grace, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to taking Christ's Gospel of redemption and reconciliation to our neighbors and the nations.


Our History 

Hicksville Cornerstone Church was established in 2017 when the First Presbyterian Church congregation voted to depart from PCUSA and establish their own church. The congregation renamed their church Hicksville Cornerstone Church and affiliated with the Missionary Church USA.

Then in 2019, another local Missionary Church congregation, Gateway Chapel, voted to close their doors and join the Cornerstone Church congregation.

God brought our congregations together as we sought similar goals in the community and held similar theological guideposts. We have been blessed with two rich histories and look forward to seeing how God continues to unite us in the future.
