THIS IS A FULL-TIME or 3/4-time position with full-time benefits, with the possibility of some hours allocated by passion or skill-set to another ministry, admin, or support portfolio to meet the hours needed. Position is also available as half-time with half-time benefits. Start date flexible.
CHURCH CONTEXT: Messiah Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), is a mid-sized but growing congregation in Chicago’s north suburban Wauconda, IL, where we ‘trust Jesus, grow disciples, and bless others with his love.’ We are a joyful congregation with strong support of children’s and family ministry, a large dynamic preschool, a commitment to inclusion of all God’s children, and a large and multi-use campus with great spaces for ministry that serves the community in diverse ways. With our new pastor and faithful lay leadership, there’s increasing excitement and financial strength as our systems get better, our staff gets bigger, and our dreams get bolder. Values-wise: we’re grateful to God, kind to each other, curious about change, gracious about goof-ups, eager for improvement, and willing to work hard to change lives with Jesus’ love–and grow the local Body of Christ that is Messiah!
TO APPLY OR JUST LEARN MORE, email with resume, cover letter, and optionally, any relevant links or files. For theological, affiliation, or vision questions, email Start date flexible.
Messiah a family-nurturing, community-invested, inclusive Lutheran church, pivoting under new pastoral leadership from an older median age to an increasingly younger demographic, filled with diverse folks and families of all shapes and sizes. Sunday services include both fairly traditional and fairly contemporary worship--and with improving technology and growing staffing plans, we're strategizing to grow our ministries’ and worships’ impact even further. Involvement of children and students in worship is growing, and synergy between worship, music, and children's/youth ministry is increasing. High volunteerism and community outreach to the alone and under-resourced are high priorities at Messiah, as well. Messiah is blessed, too, by its well-run and highly regarded Preschool, Kindergarten, and Before & After School programs as well, and opportunities for church and preschool to mutually bless each other are high on the church's and preschool’s priority list.
As a staff and church, we’re grateful to God, kind to others, curious about change, gracious about goof-ups, eager to get better, and willing to work hard to change lives with Jesus’ love. We are searching for several qualified and passionate teammates to join us.