Senior Pastor

Snover Heritage Church
Snover, Michigan, United States
Date Posted: 01/16/2025
Categories: Family Pastor - Pastoral Care Pastor - Senior Pastor - Teaching Pastor
Church Size: 50 to 100
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $58,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:


Snover Heritage Church is seeking a full-time pastor to be the spiritual overseer of the church.



  • To be well grounded spiritually and called to ministry.
  • Believe and preach the word of God.
  • Create and clearly present sermons focused on the Bible.
  • Facilitate spiritual development of the congregation.
  • Educate the congregation on the Bible with meaningful participation.
  • Develop and carry out a systematic plan for visitation to shut-ins, those in hospitals, emergency situations and bereaved.
  • Conduct baptisms, weddings and funerals, as needed.
  • Attend and participate in church Board meetings, special services and youth activities, as requested.
  • Encourage, facilitate and participate in plans to develop fellowship and help members to know and support one another.
  • Work with church leadership on charting a vision and course.
  • Administrative responsibilities and proficiency in technology, including PowerPoint.
  • Provide counseling assistance to those in and outside the church, as needed, with an understanding of conflict resolution.
  • Maintain confidentiality.
  • Work with church leadership to identify educational needs for all ages and develop programs to meet the need, such as Sunday School, Children’s Church and Bible studies.
  • Abide by the by-laws of the Snover Heritage Church.
  • Seek out opportunities to be involved in the local community as well as missions beyond the Snover community.



  • A degree from a theological seminary preferred.
  • Consideration will be given to other education, ministry experience and church leadership experience that prepare an individual to serve as a Pastor.

The following skills may set you apart:

  • Ordination
  • Certifications
  • Planning, organizational and leadership skills
  • Strong communication skills including verbal, written, presentation, facilitation and conflict resolution
  • Interpersonal skills, including the ability to effectively communicate with people of all ages
  • Experience with children and teens


  • This position requires a minimum of 40 hours per week. Additional hours will be necessary, at times, to meet congregational needs.
  • Travel is required. Individuals must have valid driver’s license, insurance and reliable transportation.



  • Salary $58,000, no benefits
  • Parsonage provided


About Snover Heritage Church

Snover Heritage Church is an independent Church which recently disaffiliated from the United
Methodist denomination. Our mission is to worship the one true God, to use the Bible as our
guide, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide Christian fellowship and to be a witness
in our community.
We are located in a rural community in the “thumb” of Michigan, approximately 50 miles East
of Saginaw and 80 miles North of Detroit. The community is predominately agricultural. Many
residents enjoy country living and commute to nearby locations for employment.
Our church was established 35 years ago when three churches joined together for worship and
ministry. Our church properties include a one story, handicap accessible, church building
located on 21 acres. The church building has a sanctuary with 200+ person capacity, offices,
classrooms and a large gym/fellowship hall. Behind the church is a ballfield. There is a
parsonage available, approximately ½ mile from the church. It is a ranch style home with
attached 1 car garage. The main floor has 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living
room and office. The laundry is located in the full basement. The pastor and family are
encouraged to live in the parsonage. There is a thrift shop located ½ mile from the church
which is staffed by volunteers. Proceeds from the thrift shop support the missions and
ministries of the church.
We have 100 members. Sunday worship service is held from 10:40-11:45 with average, in
person, attendance of 45. Our worship service is livestreamed. Adult Sunday School is held
from 9:30-10:30 a.m. with children’s church held during the morning worship service. There is
a mid-week prayer meeting.
