CVFirst or Castro First Baptist Church is looking for a part time worship leader. You would be working with a staff that is deeply in love with the Lord and are invested in each other. CVFirst welcomes both contemporary and traditional styles, and puts a focus on biblically sound theology. The worship leader position would include scheduling the musicians and vocalists.
The right candidate will have a vibrant relationship with the Lord, love the people who worship Him, and be passionate about leading others in worship. It is preferred that he or she would have a knowledge of planning center and pro-presenter.
The position will require about 12 hours a week. Additional time would be required for special holidays, and services.
CVFirst is a Baptist church nestled in Castro Valley, just across the bay from San Francisco. We are a church with regular attendance of about 130. The people of CVFirst are a vibrant congregation with a strong representation of all ages and ethniticities. The staff is a group of men and women who love the Lord and each other. We work well together and support each other. We are an Elder led church, with a board of men who are comitted to Biblical Eldership and are known and loved by the people of the church.