Pastor for Kids and Family

Fellowship West
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Date Posted: 09/16/2024
Categories: Children's Ministry - Family Pastor
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $50,000
Employee Workplace: Hybrid
Job Description:

PDF Download of the Job Description

Pastor for Kids and Families Job Description
Employment Level: Fulltime (Salary)

Our Mission: We are people brought to life in Jesus, made spiritual family by Jesus, who together practice the Way of Jesus – for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.

Our Strategy: We guide people on pathways to Spiritual Formation, teach people to practice the ways of Jesus, and cultivate a culture of permission.

Culture & Expectations:

Gospel Story, Gospel People, and Gospel Culture
We are grounded and guided by the Gospel Story. The Gospel brings us to life, makes us spiritual people, and transforms every part of who we are. It informs and forms how we relate to one another and the world around us. Jesus is at the Center of who we are and everything we do.

Humility of Heart

We posture our hearts in the Way of Jesus, "who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant." (Philippians 2:6-7) Humility of heart is at the heart of a Gospel-formed culture. Our attitudes, words, and ambitions are rooted in the heart of our gentle and lowly Savior.

Faithfulness Over Outcomes

We demonstrate our trust and faith in the sovereignty and goodness of God by surrendering our efforts to his will. "Winning" in the Kingdom of God will sometimes mean losing in this world. However, we rest in the truth that anyone who loses his or her life for Jesus will truly find it.

Kingdom People

Following the Way of Jesus is a counter-cultural way to live. As a Scripture-rooted and Jesus-saturated collection of churches, we embody a way of living that is surrendered to the Glory of God and the good of our neighbor. That is we live in glad submission to the commands of our Savior and Lord, while striving for the common good and flourishing of our neighbors and even our enemies. As Kingdom people, we are both salt and light. We are full of grace and truth. We are disciples of Jesus, inviting others to become disciples of Jesus.

Fellowship West is part of a collection of churches known as The Koinonia Network. The network is A fellowship of churches, united in the Gospel, partnering together as participants in a movement of God's Kingdom. From Knoxville to the Nations. To the Glory of God.

To be a leader in our church is to be a leader in our network. This is a great privilege that comes with many benefits. It is also a responsibility and expectation that we are part of something bigger than ourselves!

Pastor for Families and Kids Purpose Statement: To invite kids into the life-giving and life-changing Way of Jesus. To lead our Next Generation of volunteers to love, serve, and impact the lives of kids and families through our KIDS ministry. To shepherd and disciple parents as they point their kids to Jesus and His way.

Job Responsibilities:

The best leaders are learners. It is expected that the Pastor for Kids and Families would pursue habits of self-leadership. The best leaders help grow the leadership of others. The Pastor for Kids and Families will invest in the development of our staff team and volunteer leaders.

Sunday Morning KIDS Gathering (Nursery through 5th grade) (50%)

  • Create a welcoming, fun, and safe environment for Kids to encounter Jesus.
  • Oversee the Sunday morning teaching curriculum and teaching ministry to kids.
  • Recruit, train, and develop our volunteer KIDS team.
  • Use Planning Center Services and People to schedule volunteers.
  • Oversee the technology used for KIDS check-in.
  • Partner with the Church security team to maintain safety procedures.
  • Communicate regularly with families about KIDS gatherings and events.

Volunteer Team Investment and Coaching (25%)

  • Shepherd, pray for and pastor the volunteer leaders on the KIDS ministry team.
  • Provide resources and bi-annual training events to strengthen the KIDS ministry team.
  • Oversee assimilation, onboarding, background checks, and safekids training of new volunteers.
  • Recognize and Reward faithfulness on your volunteer team.
  • Plan and lead fun team-building activities.
  • Empower your volunteer team to lead and create new ways to partner with families in pointing their kids to Jesus.

Family Formation and Discipleship Initiatives (20%)

  • Partner with the Lead Pastor and Formation Staff to develop parent enrichment and formation strategies.
  • Provide recommended resources for parenting and marriage support.
  • Shepherd and pray for families in the KIDS ministry.
  • Partner with the Elders and Pastors in shepherding families during crisis.
  • Recognize and empower leaders to mentor and disciple families in the church.
  • Develop ways to serve and impact families in our greater community. (Evangelism + Mission)

Broader Partnership with other Departments (5%)

  • Partner with Formation staff to provide childcare or KIDS formation on occasion for churchwide events. (i.e. A KIDS formation experience during quarterly REFRESH nights) pastoral care to the congregation as necessary.
  • Teach or Minister to the broader church as desired*

*Determined by gifting and desire

Qualities and Qualifications:


  • Leads at home first. If married or a parent, will lead and point his/her family to Jesus.
  • A high level of spiritual maturity.
  • A spirit of humility and responsibility.
  • Honesty and a strong work ethic.
  • Gritty and resilient.


  • Displays a heart for the lost.
  • Has a coachable spirit.
  • Strives for excellence in all areas of leadership.
  • A spirit of fun!

Relational Characteristics

  • A relational and pastoral leader. Has an approachable demeanor and the ability to attract others.
  • Has a strong independent spirit, but team player.


  • Organized and Administrative.
  • Experience with education and curriculums.
  • A team recruiter, builder, and team leader.
  • Excellent communicator in one-on-one and small group settings.
  • Strong people skills with high emotional intelligence.
  • Able to cast vision and build ministry alignment.
About Fellowship West
