Woship Leader/Director

Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Date Posted: 09/13/2024
Categories: Worship/Music Ministry
Denominations: Baptist --SBC
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

We are looking for a worship leader to be a part of our team. This is a church that is in the process of rebuilding. The church is becoming OUTWARD FOCUSED. We have a desire to see every man, woman, and child in our area experience the gospel of Jesus. We are seeking to be a missional church that is radically going after the MOST UNREACHED in our city. We want to build a contemporary worship ministry that is Christ-centered, theologically deep, Bible saturated, passionate, and authentic. The worship leader needs to be able to engage and lead people from the stage; as well as, build a team and plan worship services. They will have oversight over worship, tech, and church communication. If you are interested in helping a church realign with Jesus’ vision for making disciples, loving one another and reaching the lost, then send your resume and a worship sample (link or attachment video) to jobappsforministrydirector@gmail.com.

The Role: The worship pastor will be responsible to oversee the worship, media, and communication ministry at North Florida Baptist Church in a way that supports the mission, vision, and values of NFBC.


About North Florida Baptist Church: NFBC is located in Tallahassee, FL and started as a church plant in 1963. Through the years, North Florida quickly grew and started several Christian schools, a homeless shelter, a children’s home, and a TV/radio station. The church began a serious decline a little over 10 years ago. In March of 2018 the church hired a new lead pastor and they have begun the revitalization process. We are moving from a traditional, southern church to a gospel-centered, missional church. Our vision is to see every man, woman, and child in Tallahassee have a repeated opportunity to see, hear, and respond to the gospel without having to come to us. We want to equip and mobilize our church family to effectively live on mission where they live, work, learn, and play.


About the role: The worship pastor will be responsible to oversee the worship and media ministry at NFBC. This position will require a broad scope of leadership and success will require someone to be able to Some of the expected duties of the worship leaders are as follows:

1. Support the Vision of the Lead Pastor

2. Promote unity among the church

3. Oversee worship ministry teams

4. Plan and lead congregational worship services.

5. Recruit and develop band members.

6. Recruit and develop future worship leaders.

7. Recruit and train media team (audio, video, lighting and streaming).

8. Administrate software for worship ministry (Planning Center, etc.)

9. Assess and Plan for sound, lighting, and stage design needs.

10. Plan and Oversee Church communication.

11. Redesign and maintain the church webpage, social media, and all graphic design.

12. Plan and oversee church Podcasts, YouTube, Vimeo, LiveStream, etc.

13. Be able to cast vision for future steps of growth in the worship ministry.


Requirements and Expectations:

1. Biblical Requirements

a. Must meet the qualification of elder found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

b. Must have an authentic and growing walk with Jesus

c. Must be able to effectively live on mission in everyday life and be able to teach others to do the same.

d. Must be able to make disciples and teach others to do the same.

2. General Expectations for all Pastors:

a. Real and Authentic Walk with Christ

b. People First (we need to love people well)

c. Equipper/ Discipler

d. Missional Living

e. Knows the Work/Rest balance of ministry

f. Integrity and Character

g. Self-starter and Finisher

h. Can handle constructive Criticism and Feedback

3. Education/ Experience Requirements

a. A 4 yr bachelor degree and seminary degree is preferred but not required.

b. 5 years of ministry experience is preferred.

About Church

We are looking for a Student Ministry Director to be a part of our team.  This is a church revitalization that is beginning to make the right turns.  The church is becoming OUTWARD FOCUSED.  We have a desire to see every man, woman, and child in our area experience the gospel of Jesus.  We are not looking to maintain the status quo and let this church die.  We are seeking to be a missional church that is radically going after the MOST UNREACHED in our city.  The Student Ministry Director needs to have a passion to reach Middle School/High School students and their families.  He needs to be able to teach the Word and make disciples and reach the lost.  He needs to be able to help parents disciple their teens.  He needs to be able to work with our team to impact our city.  We want the student ministry to be relational, fun, and life changing for students.  We want to reach into the public and private schools in our area.  The church is located in North Florida.  At one time this church was influential in the area but she lost her way.  This church has potential to impact a lot of people for Jesus and this position will have the opportunity to reach tons of students.  So if you are interested in radically following Jesus and being used by Him to reach students, then send your resume to jobappsforministrydirector@gmail.com.
