Lead Pastor

Military Street Baptist Church
Houlton, Maine, United States
Date Posted: 01/23/2025
Categories: Senior Pastor
Denominations: Baptist -- American
Church Size: 251 to 350
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

 Lead Pastor


The Lead Pastor is primarily responsible for the spiritual life of the church and oversees day-to-day ministry. 


Ministry Area/Department

Church Leadership and Oversight


Lead Pastor

Accountable To

MSBC Elder Board and Executive Pastor

Ministry Target

Church Body 

Position Is

Full-time paid staff

Minimum Maturity Level

Solid, mature Christian

Spiritual Gifts

Administration, Pastor/Shepherd, Teaching/Equipping, Leadership

Talents of Abilities Desired

Experience in equipping volunteers, computer literate, strong interpersonal skills

Best Personality Traits

Dependable, Friendly, Professional, Outgoing, Organized

Passion For

Providing Biblical vision, direction, and teaching for the congregation.



The Lead Pastor of Military Street Baptist Church is responsible for providing the leadership and oversight of the church, as the undershepherd of the Good Shepherd. With God’s help, he will serve as the chief visionary to lead the church forward in fulfilling God’s purpose. He is expected to contribute to the team spirit of the staff through leadership, fellowship, encouragement, cooperation, prayer support, and other appropriate ways, as he serves the Lord Jesus Christ.



The Lead Pastor will support the ministry of MSBC by giving special attention to the spiritual direction of the organization. The Lead Pastor will also support the ministry by living the highest level of spiritual and moral integrity and by faithful attendance of church services, ministries, and missions. Spiritual, pastoral, and support care will also include crisis visitation, spiritual counseling and direction, grief care, pre-marriage preparations for those desiring to be married at the church, and constant readiness to lead someone to the Savior as opportunities arise.


We expect spiritual and professional growth in focused areas while being a part of the MSBC Leadership Team. Each pastor brings his own unique spiritual gift mix. The use of skills, gifts, and talents from previous experience will prove to be an invaluable asset to this ministry. The lead Pastor is a key team player in helping guide this ministry to fulfill its purpose statement. Time will be given for spiritual growth opportunities through workshops, leadership conferences, and in long-tenure circumstances, sabbatical opportunities. The Lead Pastor of MSBC is expected to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, believing everything else will be added…” Matthew 6:33. In that role, the Lead Pastor will seek to be connected in the community and beyond where like-hearted and like-minded clergy are seeking the same.



In conjunction with the Elder Board, the Lead Pastor will: lead the church in being a praying church; calling for corporate prayer times and prayer and fasting times, to see that prayer is made for all people and places (1 Pet.4:7). The Lead Pastor will be expected to be a lead worshipper in corporate gatherings of praise and worship of the Lord.

  • Provide for the overall spiritual health and welfare of the church, to assist in “equipping the saints for the work of ministry, building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…” Ephesians 4:12-14
  • Be the primary preacher/teacher of the Word of God. This shall be done with love, faithfulness, impartiality, and fearfulness knowing that he will be held accountable for the welfare of the flock (Heb. 13:17).
  • See that Bible teaching is a primary function of the church in truth and love.
  • Conduct weddings and funerals, to see that related counseling is done.
  • Officiate or assist with communion, baptisms, welcoming new members, and parental dedication of children.
  • Work to facilitate peace among members of the staff and congregation; to seek to win back the estranged and reconcile those with broken relationships, particularly when such conflict threatens the welfare of the church; at times, to work with the elders and staff to determine solutions to some problems of this nature (Col.3:15)
  • Work with the staff and members to develop new ministries and help with the overseeing of the current ministries. To maintain open communication with staff about their development of new ministries and be available to them if they need help or feedback.


  • The Lead Pastor will work with the Elders, Deacons, and ministry teams in providing spiritual accountability and leadership.
  • The Lead Pastor will be open and prayerfully considering other various duties as directed by the Holy Spirit and Eldership for the enrichment of the staff, leadership, and ministries.

Position Description

One of the roles of the Lead Pastor is to assist the Elders in overseeing the life and direction of the church. The Pastor will have a firm grasp of the purpose, values, and strategy of the church and the ability to align ministry leadership with its mission to the congregation. Along with the Executive Pastor and any Associate Pastoral staff, the Lead Pastor will ensure that the systems, practices, and policies of the church support its ministry activities to the glory of God.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Preaching and teaching: The Lead Pastor will be the primary preacher for Sunday worship services and any other teaching opportunities as he may be gifted and equipped to do. Additionally, the Lead pastor will Maintain a pulse on the ongoing discipleship and ministry training.
  2. Strategic leadership and planning: The Lead Pastor will define strategic goals and vision as the key leader among staff, elders, and congregation and implement the plan by:
    1. Monitoring the spiritual pulse of the congregation through review and accountability.
    2. Ensuring staffing, facilities, and ministries are effectively aligned to meet strategic goals.
    3. Working with the Elders to implement salary reviews and recommendations.
    4. Maintaining efficient and effective lines of communication between the staff and Board.
    5. Serving as Liaison between staff, Elder Board, and congregation.
    6. Provide ongoing informal performance feedback for all Elders, Deacons, and staff.
  1. Administration: The Lead Pastor will assist in overseeing, equipping, and executing the administration of the church Elders on ministries and ministry accomplishments. The Elder Board will conduct annually a performance evaluation and review of the compensation package.

Compensation: Salary to be determined based on experience. Vacation, Holidays, Sick Days, Retirement, Housing Included.


About Military Street Baptist Church

Military Street Baptist Church in Houlton, Maine is seeking a to fill two full-time ministry positions. We are seeking both a Lead Pastor and a Worship Director.


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