Children and Youth Pastor

Private Profile
Greenville, North Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 10/01/2024
Categories: Children's Ministry - Youth Pastor
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Part-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $25,000 - $35,000
Employee Workplace: Flexible
Job Description:

Grace Church is a dynamic, multi-generational church, unapologetically proclaiming the Word of God. We purpose to make disciples of Christ by exalting God, encouraging Christians toward spiritual maturity, equipping Christians for ministry and evangelizing the world for Christ.

We are located in Greenville, North Carolina, which is a vibrant community of education with East Carolina University, a bustling medical complex with the Brody School of Health and a major medical facility in ECU Health. Greenville is a community of constant influx of families and college-age students. Our proximity to these leading organizations makes Grace Church an ideal environment to preaching and teaching the Word of God in a world that desperately needs the truth of the Gospel.

We understand that in an ever-changing world drifting further away from the truth of the Gospel and the Bible, it is vitally important that we fulfill the requirements of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (ESV) 

As a Bible believing congregation, we are looking for a Youth Pastor who will uphold the truth of the Bible, without compromise! Someone who can connect one-on-one with our youth by building personal relationships through discipleship opportunities, encouraging, equipping with conservative Christocentric teaching, good communication skills, immersive studies and activities, missions, service projects, supporting, counseling, accountability, and a clear vision for the youth in the functioning of the church. To aid in this goal we have been using Word of Life, Explore the Bible, and Awana curriculum, and would like to continue using these materials for the foreseeable future. 

While it is vitally important the Youth Pastor work well with the youth, it is also important they be available to assist parents with the spiritual development of their children through, contacting existing families, visiting families, holding them accountable, and helping them to navigate the various issues our children are facing in the world. We know that our children are the next generation of leaders not only of Grace Church, but other churches in the community and world: We believe our children and teens are not the future of the church, but that they are the church. We are accountable to God not only to train them up correctly, but we believe we are also accountable to them to demonstrate what godly leadership, faith, teaching, and application looks like.

Working well with our youth and their parents is important. Equally important is their ability to recruit and maintain an effective staff of volunteers for all departments of their ministry. Maintaining good communication, cooperation and coordination is imperative. Knowing and understanding where people work best, what are their talents, and abilities are important assets to have. 

This also transcends into working with fellow church staff. There are no “isolated” staff at Grace Church, we all work as one cohesive unit. The Pastor with the responsibility of Youth, shall be under the leadership of the Pastor and the Board of Deacons. The Youth Pastor will assist the Pastor as directed (preaching, teaching at certain times).

As the world drifts further away from God and His Word, we endeavor to stand firm in our faith, confident in whom we believe. We seek to partner together with someone who holds these same convictions, upholds doctrine, seeks truth above popularity, defends the faith, and lives his life for Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. If you possess these qualities and seek to expand His kingdom, please consider applying for the Youth Pastor position at Grace Church.