Director of Youth Ministries | Providence Christian Reformed Church | Grand Rapids, MI

Rukes Search Group
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Date Posted: 09/04/2024
Categories: Children's Ministry - Youth Pastor
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Role: The Director of Youth Ministries shall provide vision and leadership for the congregation’s ministry to children, youth, and young adults (18-22-years-old). He or she, along with the staff and council, shall develop and maintain a ministry whose goal is to encourage all who come under his or her care to follow Jesus as evidenced by profession of faith in Jesus Christ, participation in the life of the church, and integration of faith with life.

Personal Qualifications:

  1. A dedicated Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit, knowledgeable of Bible truths and in agreement with the Reformed faith.
  2. Have a sincere love for the spiritual growth and development of youth.
  3. Able to collaborate well with staff and volunteers.
  4. Become a professing member of Providence CRC.
  5. Previous experience in Youth Ministry.
  6. Affirm a traditional view of gender, marriage, and human sexuality.

Specific responsibilities:

  1. Provide vision and leadership for ministries targeted for children, youth, and young adults.
  2. Develop and maintain a personal relationship with the High School youth of Providence and their families. 
  3. Be the primary leader in planning and leading the worship/activities for the High School youth programs.
  4. Working in conjunction with ministry directors, coordinate and develop programs for youth (Church Nurseries, Children's Worship, Take TWO’s, Kingdom Kids, Sunday School, Cadets, GEMS, Catechism, Middle School, High School, College Age, etc.). This includes developing relationships with the leaders and coordinators, as well as serving in a supervisory role over all youth ministries.
  5. Over time, develop a ministry for  18–22-year-old young adults by maintaining relationships with High School graduates
  6. Be the first line of pastoral care for the college age and below age group including hospital visits, school activity visits, one on one visits, etc. 
  7. Organize and lead classes preparing young people to take next steps in their spiritual journey. This would include leading Children at the Table and Profession of Faith classes. 
  8. Lead yearly retreats and/or mission trips. This would include any planning and fundraising that is needed.

Shared responsibilities: 

  1. Represent Providence to the CRC, the church at large, and the community.
  2. Collaborate with staff members in a spirit of mutual support, respect, and encouragement.
  3. Attend weekly staff meetings.


  1. Report directly to the Lead Pastor.
  2. Submit monthly reports to the Executive Council.