Grace Bible Church of Boise
Boise, Idaho, United States
Date Posted: 08/13/2024
Categories: Youth Pastor
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Grace Bible Church of Boise

Job Description: Associate Pastor of Youth


Grace Bible Church of Boise

Grace Bible Church of Boise is approximately 250 person church located in beautiful southwest Idaho, serving our community since 1991. Our purpose is to be a biblical family of God, experiencing and expressing the love of God.  Together, we endeavor to accomplish this through allowing the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to be foundational in all we do.  You will see that our priorities are lived out through, Worship, Teaching, Praying, Serving, Equipping, Evangelizing and Fellowship.  Ultimately, we are church family, excited to actively participate in loving God and loving others seeking to allow God, through His Spirit to enable us to live out the Gospel, in our church, in our homes, in our community and around the world. 

Our church body is comprised of committed believers who engage in deep fellowship and love, effectively ministering to one another.  We are a missions focused church where the leadership and body support Christ-centered gospel outreach locally and globally. We have a loving, grace-filled, and generous body comprised of a strong core of long-time members alongside newer members due to the rapid growth of the surrounding area. Worship music is led by a band that consistently blends hymns and current songs. We are a church committed to the fellowship of believers, seeking to encourage, train, admonish in spiritual growth, and further the gospel in our community and throughout the world. We are an elder led church that believes God’s Word is central for equipping His body through counseling, teaching, and discipling.  

Philosophy of GBC Youth Ministries

Our youth ministry exists, first and foremost, to model, teach and disciple young people truth from the Word of God, relating it to their lives as they see, hear and experience it. Youth meetings and events provide time away from the pressures of the world to fellowship, encourage and strengthen one another. In addition to creating an atmosphere where believing youth can grow and mature in the Lord, we desire to provide a positive place to bring and witness to unbelievers.

In no way should this ministry take the place or responsibility of the parents to raise their children in the Lord. Rather, it will support parents as they seek to instill character and conviction in the lives of their children. This ministry pledges to teach, recognize and honor the parents’ authority and role in the lives of their children. It is a tool that parents may choose to use to help guide and direct their child’s life toward loving and serving God.

The youth ministry not only serves the youth but provides an avenue for parents to learn about and discuss issues relating to children and teenagers. This is very beneficial to parents of children in grade school as there is much to be learned from parents who are currently raising or have already raised teenagers. It is better to foresee the issues that may arise in children’s lives and equip them when they are young to make wise decisions.

 Measurable Qualifications

  1. This position is for a man, over 20 years old, married, or single.
  2. Agreement with our church’s vision, goals, values, statement of faith and doctrinal positions at  
  3. Some form of Bible training and a good working knowledge of Scripture
  4. At least three years of youth ministry experience (not necessarily as a youth pastor).
  5. Music and worship leading experience with youth, highly desired.
  6. Experience managing others.
  7. Have an awareness of receiving a call from the Lord to ministry, having had that call confirmed by others in the body of Christ.
  8. Must be able to navigate and utilize technology well. We use Planning Center for scheduling, communicating, and organizing church ministries. Applicants with a high technical ability, including digital signage and graphic design will have greater preference.

 Observable Qualifications

  1. A strong and consistent walk with God through a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  2. Meets Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 qualifications of church leaders.
  3. Able to teach with a love for God’s Word.
  4. Humble and Teachable, with a desire to grow in faith and abilities.
  5. Seeks input and discipleship for life and ministry.
  6. A self-starter, highly motivated and capable to follow through.
  7. Has a passion for youth ministry.
  8. Understands youth culture today.
  9. Strong verbal communication skills.
  10. A good role model.
  11. Patient and approachable.
  12. Team player with effective relational skills (works well with others).
  13. Discerning and self-aware

 Youth Ministry Responsibilities

  1. Full time, 40+ hours per week
  2. Recognize that as part of the Pastoral Staff, we are working together toward the same goals and vision of GBC as a whole. No ministry or staff member is to function autonomously focused only on their specific ministry but will endeavor to work together as a team with the staff and volunteers.  Thus, together accomplishing the vision and purpose God has for us as a church and within your specific ministry responsibilities.    
  3. Meet regularly with the pastor and ministerial staff.
  1. Create a ministry plan and strategy for Jr & Senior high that is consistent with the church’s youth ministry philosophy.
    • Communicate your plan and strategy to all volunteers, staff, and student leaders.
  2. Develop and lead programs according to the vision and purpose of the youth ministry.
    • Create mid-week programs for junior high and senior high students that meet weekly. (currently junior and senior high meet together).
    • Schedule, plan, and lead summer and winter camps.
    • Plan spiritual growth programs, activities and events that include. opportunities for youth to worship, fellowship with each other, learn Biblical truths and apply them to their lives (spiritual growth).
    • Create outreach programs, activities, and events (evangelism).
    • Plan programs, activities, or events, developing student leaders who desire to reach out and serve others, impacting them with the love of Christ (student leadership).
    • Communicate and control appropriate conduct and speech within all aspects of youth ministry.
    • Plan all youth activities with safety in mind, communicating and implementing the safety expectations to leaders and students.
  3. Recruit and train volunteer leaders to support the purpose of the ministry, resulting in every student knowing that an adult is praying, caring and desires to invest in their lives.
    • Meet regularly with volunteers and staff.
    • Develop a plan on how this is being accomplished.
  4. Build and maintain relationships with kids both churched and unchurched.
    • Meet regularly with kids from the youth group.
    • Seek out opportunities to “hang out” with kids on campus, at sports events, or in the community.
    • Maintain impeccable integrity in your interactions with the youth and volunteers. (see youth manual)
  5. Build and maintain quality relationships with parents.
    • Communicate well with parents and come alongside families, especially in times of crisis.
    • Create avenues of consistent contact with parents (such as written contact, annual parent meetings, etc.)
    • Become aware of the needs of the parents.
  6. Set and oversee the youth ministry budget.
    • Set a budget that reflects the values, purpose, and vision of the ministry.
    • Be prudent with finances, sticking with the set budget.
  7. Involve students in the ministry of the church, supporting and participating in the church’s vision, worship services, and activities.
  8. Share general pastoral responsibilities (hospital visitation, counseling, etc.).
  9. Attend additional meetings and elder board meetings, as needed.


  • Accountable to the Senior Pastor and Elder Board
  • Work alongside pastoral and secretarial staff.
  • Oversee the Volunteer Screening Process to ensure a competent and qualified body of volunteers.
  • Submit an annual budget.
  • Plan and facilitate adequate meetings with adult leaders to review the ministry and to create new ministry goals and direction.
  • Participate in staff meetings and attend elder board meetings as needed.
  • Participate on Sunday morning platform as needed.


The Pastors Wife

The pastor’s wife should be first committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and serving Him. Her primary biblical role as a wife is to be a helper, supporter, and lover of her husband. She should be in complete agreement toward her husband’s call to ministry as pastor. She should be committed to attending church, growing in knowledge and spiritual maturity, and the fellowship of the body. As to ministry, the Bible does not address the involvement of the pastor's wife in any ministry. In other words, the pastor and his wife determine how active the pastor's wife should be in church ministry.



  • Competitive Salary (Commensurate experience, qualifications and need) with optional housing allowance designation.
  • Health, dental Insurance for youth pastor and his family.
  • Life and disability insurance for youth pastor.
  • Vacation, sick leave, paid holidays.


About Grace Bible Church of Boise: Website

Interested Candidates:

  • Please send resume to
  • Include three references and a current photo of yourself and wife / family if applicable.
  • Please use “Attention: Youth Pastor Search” as the subject line of your email.


Some of our Church Distinctives

 Bible Interpretation

We believe in the literal, historical, grammatical, contextual method of interpretation, which means the Bible is to be interpreted literally, unless there is clear reason in the context not to do so. Each text is to be interpreted in light of its near, far, and historical contexts, giving priority to the original languages, grammar, and inspired sentence structure.

 Expository Preaching

Expository preaching uses objective Bible study principles to extract from biblical texts what the original author meant for his original audience to understand by he wrote i.e., the interpretation of a text. The expository preacher seeks to package truth that is objectively taken from a text of Scripture and then proclaim the truth to his listeners clearly and accurately, so God can speak to His people. We believe sequential expository preaching through books of the Bible is, in general, the best approach and should be the main way of preaching. There are other kinds of preaching such as topical, that are sometimes necessary and helpful, but should not be the main source of teaching and preaching.

Future Events

We do not see these teaching points as faith issues, nor are they beliefs that should keep believers from worshiping together. The leadership at GBC though, holds to the teaching that:

The souls of those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation will either pass immediately into His presence upon death or will meet the Lord in the air upon His bodily return to earth.  Key Texts: Lk 16:19-26; 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23; 1 Thes 4:13-18; 2 Thes 1:7-9; Rev 20:1-15. The church age will be followed by a seven year period of great tribulation culminated by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth with power and great glory to introduce the millennial age, to bind Satan and place him in the abyss, to lift the curse which now rests upon the whole creation, to restore Israel to her own land and to give her the realization of God’s covenant promises, and to bring the whole world to the knowledge of God. Key Texts: Ezek 37:21–28; Mt 25:31-46; Rom 11:25–27; Rev 19:11-20:3.

At the conclusion of the millennial age, Satan will be released for a short time, deceive the nations, and lead a battle against the saints. God will defeat Satan and the false prophet casting them into the lake of fire along with the fallen angels. Then, Christ will resurrect and judge unbelieving souls at the Great White Throne judgment.

About Grace Bible Church of Boise

Grace Bible Church of Boise is a 150–200 person church located in beautiful southwest Idaho, serving our community since 1991.  

Our church body is comprised of committed believers who engage in deep fellowship and love, effectively mistering to one another.  We are a missions focused church where the leadership and body support Christ-centered gospel outreach locally and globally. We have a loving, grace-filled, and generous body comprised of a strong core of long-time members alongside newer members due to the rapid growth of the surrounding area. We are an elder led church that believes God’s word is central for equipping his body through counseling, teaching, and discipling.  
