Purpose of Position
Provide gospel-centered leadership specific for the music ministries of Trinity Presbyterian Church. Serving as the “face of the ministry”, this position will work with paid and volunteer staff to serve God, Trinity and its members in worshiping the Lord through music and song. Position has overall responsibility for the organization and administration of activities supporting the music ministry.
Primary Responsibilities
1. To support the Senior Pastor in planning all corporate worship. 2. To develop, lead and oversee all music ministries and musicians.
General Duties
1. Develop and direct all music ministry activities. 2. Manage the logistics for the music ministry as a “mobile church” until building is completed later in 2024. 3. Assist in hiring; supervise and train departmental staff. 4. Recruit, develop and organize volunteer support teams. 5. Attend staff, department and session meetings as required. 6. Oversee teams who maintain A/V equipment.
Specific Duties
1. Support Senior Pastor in planning worship by planning music for morning services, planning pieces that compliment the liturgy. 2. Direct musicians (including ensembles) via weekly rehearsals, leading on Sundays and at special services, hosting concerts and others events as deemed appropriate. 3. Perform and/or oversee administration of music ministry by maintaining the music library, overseeing instrument maintenance, A/V teams, podcast of services, events for music ministry, and support senior pastor in budget planning for worship and music. 4. Develop an annual concert series. Plan events and schedule performers; work with staff to execute communications/publicity strategy. Oversee logistics. 5. Encourage the spiritual growth of participants in music ministry. 6. Assist in shaping future sanctuary design to optimize musical performance and congregational singing.
Basic Job Requirements
1. Vibrant personal faith in Jesus Christ. Reformed and evangelical. 2. Member at Trinity Presbyterian Church. 3. Proven team-builder; works well with others; ability to lead and follow. 4. Minimum of Bachelor's Degree with Master's Degree a plus. 5. Minimum of 3 years of experience in related ministry area(s).
This is a full-time position with competitive salary and benefits.
To begin the candidacy process, please submit a video leading a worship service with cover letter and resume to staffing@trinityowasso.com.
Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA) is a relatively new church for Owasso & the region. It began as a prayer group in living rooms in 1997. Many who lived in Owasso and the surrounding area traveled to Tulsa for worship and wanted a church in Owasso where people could “come as they are” without pretense, an outward-facing church for the good of the city where the gospel was central. This prayerful core originated at Christ Presbyterian Church and gained some interest from reformed Baptist churches around town.
For ten years that interest coalesced into an Owasso small group out of Christ Presbyterian Church. Nothing formal was done to plant a new church. Then in the spring of 2010 – five years after RiverOaks Presbyterian Church was planted in South Tulsa – Pastor Ricky Jones lead a remnant of this core to begin monthly worship services in Owasso. This inchoate core group met once a month at Freedom Baptist Church on Sunday nights. About six months later Redeemer Owasso -- as it was first called -- began to meet weekly at the Owasso Sixth-Grade Center. During this time the core group grew but lacked the resources to become more than a small satellite of RiverOaks Tulsa.
In the summer of 2011 the pastoral search committee called Rev. Blake Altman, a campus minister at Princeton University, to lead this congregation as their church planter. In October 2011 the church took on its own identity as Trinity Presbyterian Church.
In November 2012, the elders moved the weekly worship service from the Sixth Grade Center to Presence Theater where we they built a stable core group and received their first members (42) on Easter Sunday. In June 2012, Trinity moved their worship service from the evenings to Sunday mornings at the Owasso YMCA where the membership grew. Seeking more room for families with children and finding no alternate venues to accommodate our growing church, in 2014 Trinity invested in portable trailers and equipment to worship in the gym of the Owasso Sixth Grade Center. The area formerly used as our worship venue in 2011 is now the greeting area for our junior high and high school students.
In 2013 families began driving in from Grand Lake area to worship at Trinity. Trinity's Grove community group continued to grow, and Pastor Blake traveled to Grove once a month to lead this community group in worship. In June of 2015 the session of Trinity Presbyterian Church recommended the Grove Community group to petition the presbytery to be approved as a mission status church in Grove. That petition was signed in July of 2015 and Three Rivers Presbyterian Church was established in August 2015. In the meantime, Trinity's long-range planning team thoroughly explored existing options for a permanent home for Trinity.
Today Trinity ministers in concert with Christ Presbyterian (est 1951), Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Tulsa (est 2004), RiverOaks (est 2005), Grace and Peace PCA (est 2013), Three Rivers PCA (Trinity Church Plant, est 2015) at Grand Lake, Hope Presbyterian Bartlesville (Trinity Church Plant, est 2018), New City Fellowship PCA (2018) in North Tulsa, all the churches of the Hills and Plains Presbytery of the PCA, and the Acts 29 Network.
Trinity is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, a full member of the Acts 29 Network, and partners with Nine Marks and The Gospel Coalition.