Children's Pastor | Family Pastor

Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene - Indy
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 09/20/2023
Categories: Children's Ministry - Combo Positions
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $25,000 - $47,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene



TITLE:  Minister to Children and Their Families.

TIME: 45-50 Hours per week


Ministry Summary: To lead the Children’s Ministry Team of Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene by:

  • Organizing the ongoing ministries and activities which compose a need-based ministry with Children, providing for outreach and spiritual development for those from birth to 6th
  • Lead Kids Worship 2-3 times each month
  • To Lead or Assist with the Chapel for Grace Pointe Child Development Ministries and provide Pastoral Leadership to this ministry.
  • Facilitating Children’s Ministry Team Meetings for the purpose of planning and preparation.
  • Assist in the Development of Laity: Parents, Children, and Children’s Workers (S.S. Teachers, Kids Church, Wed. PM staff, Quiz coaches, Choir Directors) so that they can minister to children.


Overview of responsibilities:


To lead Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene in the area of Ministry to Children and their Families. In the church, this will mean facilitating the development and leadership of a Children’s Ministry Team that continually seeks a means to lead Children and their families into a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ.


Primary responsibility includes leading ministry to and with Children and their families, sometimes personally, but always through a team of workers. This includes developing and leading volunteer leaders including Teachers, Kids Church Volunteers, Toddler Church, Quizzing Leaders, Choir Directors, and Parent leaders to accomplish the mission of making fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Recruitment, development, and leadership of the Children’s Ministry Team in conjunction with the Lead Pastor, will be an essential means of successfully leading the Children’s Ministry Team. Through this team, projects will be organized with sub-groups in order to release the laity for ministry.
In addition, this person, on his or her own or with a team, will keep a steady flow of meaningful worship & discipleship, service events, and evangelistic events in planning and coming to completion.
This means constantly searching for the best means to complete the mission of inviting Children into a relationship with Jesus and leading them deeper in their relationship with Jesus.

Discipleship and the spiritual growth of individuals should be key factors in accomplishing the mission and tasks of this position in a way that brings glory to God rather than ourselves.

This position shall be a full-time position on the pastoral staff of Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene. It shall require an annual renewal of call upon the recommendation of the Lead Pastor and approval of the District Superintendent. Accountability shall be directly to the Lead Pastor.



  • Desire to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Desire to build teams of people who are on a mission together for the Kingdom of God.
  • Capacity to become an adequate manager of projects and volunteers.
  • Coaching of Children’s workers into appropriate acumen, spiritual maturity, and punctuality.
  • Willingness to embrace a Discipling Culture.
  • A fundamental operational ability to use computers and technology.
  • Ability to use various means to stay connected with Children & their families. (Social Media, Print, etc.)


General Expectations:

  • To be faithful in Church Attendance, participation, and financial giving.
  • To Attend regular weekly staff meetings.
  • To attend to personal Spiritual Disciplines (Bible reading, Prayer, Accountability, etc.)
  • To work in cooperation with other staff members and ministries of the church and contribute to and participate in church-wide events.
  • To communicate clearly with the Church Office, Church Board, Staff, Parents, and Children’s Ministry Team leaders.
  • To model Christlikeness for Children and other leaders.


Primary Responsibilities: Oversee the spiritual growth of the children of Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene by developing ministry programs and department policies that encourage the spiritual growth and maturity of Children and their families.

  • Oversee and facilitate all areas of Children’s Ministry including Choir, Children’s quizzing, Children’s sports, Sunday School, Wed. PM, and summer ministries (ex. VBS).
  • Lead the Children’s Ministry Team. Developing lay leadership in such a way that ministry effectiveness is multiplied through recruiting, equipping, and supporting lay ministers.
  • Develop interpersonal relationships with parents and provide pastoral care for the whole family as needed.
  • Develop systems of feedback and input for both children and their parents.
  • To connect with Children and their families outside of church activities through guest follow-up, attendance at activities and visits in the home as needed.

Another Area of Ministry or Responsibility

One of the following areas as it pertains to a person’s skill and abilities:  Youth Ministry, Building Management, Advertising,
Promotion and Social Media, Sports Ministry for All Ages, Compassionate Ministry Outreach, or Counseling & Recovery Ministry.

Working Relationships: Build relationships with those in your area of ministry that foster spiritual growth and provide motivation for mutually fulfilling ministry.

  • Pastor
  • Sunday School Teachers & Children’s Workers
  • Children & Children’s Ministry Team
  • Parents of Children
  • Day Care Director & Associate Pastor, NYI President and Youth Pastor. Working cooperatively with other Ministry Staff in all areas of overlapping responsibility.


Compensation and Benefits:

  • The Salary will be reviewed annually at the close of the fiscal year (March 1).
  • A District Licensed Children’s Pastor will be eligible to make contributions to the Church of the Nazarene 403(b) fund per church policy.
  • A District Licensed Children’s Pastor can designate and/or distribute salary into a variety of areas including Housing Allowance, Med-Flex Account, Continuing Education, Personal Ministry Expenses, Retirement, etc.
  • Vacation - The Children’s Pastor shall be eligible for 2 full weeks of vacation per year for the first year; after that up to 3 weeks per year.
  • Personal Days - In addition, he/she shall be allowed one personal day each month, which will not accrue, but must be used within each month.
  • Sick Days – These are provided for 5 days per year and can be used in full or half-day increments. Unused sick days do not roll over into the new year.
  • The Children’s Pastor will be given one week per year for preaching/ speaking/ revivals outside of the local church.
  • Participation in Summer Camp for Children or up to one Church Mission Trip per year will not be counted as vacation.


  • Attend one District Children’s Summer Camp.


  • Direct accountability to the Lead Pastor.
  • Monthly reports will be filed with the Pastor and church Board.
  • The Children’s Pastor will report regularly to the Lead Pastor concerning the needs, health, and direction of the Children’s Ministries of Grace Pointe.
  • The pastor will use the following Assessment and Evaluation for a monthly review.

Anticipated results:

  • Increased engagement and participation of Children and their families in spiritual growth opportunities provided by the church.
  • Increased number of children professing faith in Jesus.
  • Increased attendance of Children and their families in Worship and Kids Worship.
  • A deeper sense of community among the families and children attending Grace Pointe.




About Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene - Indy

Grace Pointe is a multi-cultural, multi-generational Church of the Nazarene who is actively growing and reproducing followers of Christ who:


WORSHIP Christ single-mindedly

CONNECT with others intentionally

SERVE enthusiastically

PRAY without ceasing
