Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Senior Pastor Job Description
Job Description:
Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Blue Earth, MN, is in search of our next pastor to lead and guide our church with authority from the Word of God and take the church where the Gospel is calling in the community. We are looking for a leader to follow our vision” to be the life-giving church in Blue Earth that cares for our community and guides people to the life-giving Savior.” As that is being lived out, the mission of “changing lives through God’s unchanging truth” will be fulfilled. Our next pastor should be willing to learn and embrace the pace and rhythms of living in a smaller town, but not lose sight of the calling of God in this place to move beyond the status quo.
Meets the scriptural qualifications for a spiritual leader as defined in: 1 Timothy 3:1-8, Titus 1:6-10, and 1 Peter 5:1-5.
Embodies God’s Word and is committed to the apostles’ teaching, prayer, discipling others, and fellowship, while living a spiritual and moral lifestyle.
Is FULL of the Holy Spirit and grace, and ready to live a life of service.
Is a baptized (immersed) believer that is in agreement with the constitution and bylaws of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church.
Is or will soon be a graduate of a Bible college and/or seminary with demonstrated ministry experience.
Possesses strong skills in leadership, organization, administration, and interpersonal relationships.
Basic Responsibilities:
Preaching: Consistently delivers engaging, relevant sermons based on sound biblical doctrine, and provides practical understanding and application of God’s Word.
Leadership/Development: Partners with, encourages, and equips leaders in ministry positions to do the works of the ministry.
Community Involvement: Spends time and engages with other ministries and community organizations to further the mission of Cornerstone within the community.
Spiritual Leader to Congregation: Maintains strong connection with the Holy Spirit through prayer. Holds baptismal services and, as time allows, preforms hospital visits, counseling, weddings, and funeral services.
Personal Growth/Development: Devotes time to prayer and develops one’s own spiritual, physical, and mental health. Is open to receiving feedback on a regular basis.
Send resume and cover letter to:
Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church is located in Blue Earth, which is a small rural community in southern Minnesota. God has formed Cornerstone from people that come from many walks of life. We have approximately 40 members and an average attendance for Sunday Services of about 60. We currently offer a Sunday morning worship service and a Wednesday evening prayer & worship service. There are several small groups and other ministry activities taking place. Our dream is to be the life-giving church in Blue Earth that cares for the community and guides people to the Life-Giving Savior.