Lead Pastor

The Pacific Conference
Clackamas, Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 09/12/2023
Categories: Senior Pastor
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Lead Pastor - Sweet Home Oregon


Sweet Home Evangelical Church  Senior Pastor Position

Sweet Home, Oregon is a small community-oriented town of around 10,000 people, with another 6,000 who live just outside the city limits. Sweet Home has some logging industry in the area, and is known as a recreation area. Close to town is Foster Lake, Green Peter Lake, as well as the Santiam River. Within a two hour drive you can go to the mountains for snow skiing, you can go to the Oregon coast, or you can go to the city of Portland, Oregon. 

Church Facility:
The building was built in 1961, is in good shape, and is located in the center of town between the post office and the high school. Every summer the Oregon Jamboree country music festival takes place in the high school fields next to the church. The campus includes three buildings. The main church building which includes the worship center, offices, classrooms. The activity center has the gym, a kitchen, and a few classrooms. Across the street is a fenced-in double lot with the ministry center where several midweek activities take place. 

Sunday services average in the 70’s, with 140 people who call this their church home. This is an established congregation that was founded in 1884 and the average age is older than the community, but there is a good mixture of people from all ages in the congregation. The church is part of the Pacific Conference of The Evangelical Church. www.ThePacificConference.com

Job Description:
The church is financially stable, so this is a full-time position. The pastor will either be ordained in The Evangelical Church, or work towards ordination in the Pacific Conference of The Evangelical Church. The Senior pastor’s primary responsibilities include preaching and teaching from the Bible, discipling and equipping the saints. The current mission statement is “Growing fully devoted followers of Christ.” 

The successful candidate will have competency and responsibilities in the following areas: 
Leadership: Responsible for prayerfully shaping the vision and direction of our organization in cooperation with the church’s Council of Administration, and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, in agreement with the Scripture and The Discipline of The Evangelical Church. The 
Senior pastor must have seminary training, with a preference of a Masters degree, with a minimum of five years of experience as a lead pastor. He must love people and have good people skills. 
Preaching/Teaching: Biblically based preaching and teaching with enthusiasm and confidence. Encourage the congregation to read the Bible daily and be ready to present the gospel whenever the opportunity arises. Be disciplined to study, prepare and present sermons on a 
weekly basis. 
Administration: Oversee the administration of the organization. The pastor leads the council, but the major decisions are made by the Council of Administration. The pastor will work within the structure of the Pacific Conference and The Evangelical Church. The pastor will have a willingness to use technology to further the mission and ministry of the church. 
Ministry: The pastor administers the sacraments of communion and baptism. The pastor is also competent in ceremonies of weddings, funerals, etc. The pastor oversees the ministries of the church and is able to do counseling and visitation. 
Character: The pastor will be a person of high character as described in the epistles of 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus. The pastor is to be “above reproach” and is to be an example to the congregation. 

Those who meet minimum qualifications should submit an application including:
1. Your RESUME.
2. A COVER LETTER of not more than one page including your reasons for applying and how you heard about the position.
3. A VIDEO in digital format (e.g. links of videos, YouTube postings, podcasts, or a DVD) of you delivering a sermon to a large group that best represents your preaching and teaching ability.

Applications can be submitted electronically to: jobs@thepacificconference.com 
OR mailed to:   Superintendent Brian Hotrum
                         11501 SE Sunnyside Road, Suite 200
                         Clackamas, OR 97015

Once your resume, cover letter, and teaching submission is received you may be contacted for a phone or in-person interview.

For more information: 

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