District Superintendent

The Evangelical Free Church of Canada
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Date Posted: 03/23/2023
Categories: Other
Denominations: Evangelical Free
Church Size: Not Applicable
Job Type: Part-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Employee Workplace: Remote
Job Description:


The Evangelical Free Church of Canada denominational home office is a faith-based, registered charity collaborating with approximately 150 Canadian churches to support gospel-centered philanthropy in Canada and internationally through local congregations and the presence of roughly 80 missionaries in 20 countries around the world.



NW Ontario and Manitoba




The District Superintendent (DS) primary duty is to lead the Central District (CD) churches in honoring Jesus Christ by gathering of churches for mutual edification and fellowship through conferences, seminars, retreats and any other activities forwarding the doctrines, distinctive and ministries of the EFCC. The DS will assist local pastors and church staff through credentialing, personal and professional development. The DS will initiate and facilitate the establishment of new churches.




The DS shall be accountable to the EFCC Executive Director. Reports monthly to the DC Advisory Committee




  1. Denominational oversight of existing EF Churches
  2. Visiting the churches once per year
  3. Collaborate in establishing new churches
  4. Seek to adopt new churchesDi
  5. Shepherd Pastors, gathering them at least 3 times annually
  6. Coordinate visits with both National and District representatives
  7. Liaise between local churches and the National Office
  8. Work with Church Boards and Search Committees
  9. Coordinate content of EFCC Website with EFCC Communications
  10. Work with the Ministerial Standing Committee and pastors on credentialing
  11. Represent the EFCC in Local Churches
  12. Participate in EFCC Church Vitality Committee (CVC) meetings and other National meetings as requested




  1. Man of integrity and Godly character
  2. Model EFCC doctrine, values, and ethos
  3. Experience working and liaising with multiple churches
  4. Able to work with multi-ethnic and cultural churches
  5. Love for God and a desire to see Christ glorified in and through local churches
  6. The ability to relate to people through preaching, teaching and one-to-one relationships
  7. Ordainable with the EFCC



POSITION: part-time (8-10 days/month), salaried

CLOSING DATE: May 15, 2023


Please send cover letter and resume to Bill Taylor billt@efcc.ca.

About The Evangelical Free Church of Canada

The Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) denominational home office is a faith-based, registered charity collaborating with approximately 150 Canadian churches to support gospel-centered philanthropy in Canada and internationally through local congregations and the presence of roughly 100 missionaries in 20 countries around the world.
