Thank you for being interested in the Associate Pastor of Students position at First Baptist Mason. This is a full-time salaried position, including a three-bedroom, two-bath parsonage, and insurance benefits. While this position is primarily Student Ministry focused, other duties will be assigned depending on the individual's gifting (i.e., worship, communications, recreation, etc.)
The Student Pastor at First Baptist Mason is a spiritual and organizational leader responsible for leading all aspects of the church's student ministry. He or she will serve as a minister to the congregation and, in particular, all 5th-12th grade students, leading and inspiring them to know, imitate, and share Jesus together with their parents and adult leaders. Primary responsibilities include engaging students who are already in the church and seeking to reach those who are not; shepherding and discipling students; recruiting, developing, and shepherding volunteers; building relationships with parents; and leading all aspects of student ministry programming.
As a First Baptist Mason Staff member, the Student Pastor will work collaboratively with other staff members and lay leaders to accomplish the mission God has given us. The Student Pastor will create a Christ-centered environment in which all students feel welcomed and appreciated so that they might experience the Holy Spirit’s redemptive work in their lives. In response to the grace the students receive, we encourage and equip them to “know Jesus intimately and proclaim Jesus boldly” in all aspects of their lives.
First Baptist Mason is a growing, revitalizing church in the Hill Country of Texas. Being a "Faith Family" is a big deal here, and we strive to "Know Jesus Intimately and to Proclaim Jesus Boldly" in all that we do. A Multi-generational church passionate about reaching the next generation and laying solid foundations that will prepare them for life. Our worship style is blended but with a modern slant. We have an amazing group of talented musicians and singers who lead us in worship each week. Our style is very casual, and we want people to come as they are. We currently average around 150 in worship and 75 in Life Connection Groups on Sunday Morning. We regularly approach 200 in worship and have new guests each week. We will be the only church in Mason with a full-time student pastor.
We currently average about 45-50 Jr High (5th-8th grade) on Wednesday evenings and a small number of High School Students. (The field is ripe for harvest.) We have strong relationships with Young Life and FCA, which average close to 100 students. We have worked hard to build relationships with our schools from Superintendent down, allowing you access to minister to our students. And the high school has off-campus lunch so the Student Pastor can meet students for lunch without having to check in at the school.?
Pastor Bryan Cawley has been at First Baptist Mason since January 2021. He has been married to Mandy, a high school English teacher at Mason High, for 18 years and has two daughters in the ministry, Annalise in 10th grade and Brynlee in 7th grade. Bryan served several churches as Student Pastor and College Pastor throughout Texas and Oklahoma and spent time as a 7th-grade science teacher. He is a wealth of knowledge in student ministry but, most importantly, will support, encourage, and champion you in your ministry.
Mason is an agricultural, ranching, and hunting community located on the north end of the Texas Hill Country (45 minutes north of Fredericksburg, 30 minutes west of Llano. Austin and San Antonio are each about 90 minutes away.). It is a small-town way of life and a great place to raise a family. It offers a beautiful combination of rugged Texas landscape and historical, recreational, and cultural opportunities. It is not hard to see why Mason is known as the “Gem of the Hill Country.” The population within a 20-minute drive from the church is almost 3500, with a Median age of 51.
Mason is a "1" high school town that loves the "Punchers." Mason ISD is one of a kind, from football at the "Puncherdome" on a Friday night to excellence in academics in Fine Arts. We have won the UIL Lone Star Cup 3 out of the last four years and recently won state in Academic endeavors, Girls' Golf, and Act Play. Our Tennis Program is like no other, having over 130 state titles in the last 100 years. No one else is over 60. Our students are prepared for the real world and receive over $1 million in scholarship awards yearly.
To Apply, please click here.
Small Town Church doing big ministry. Blended leaning Modern, casual environment in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. A church that is going through revitalization that is striving to put the Gospel Above All Else.