This is a part time position with plans to move into full time within 1 year.
This position is unique to our current church demographics. Trinity Church is a small church with a big vision. We strive to be a church living for Jesus, not just alive. We have a strong emphasis on worship, missions and the next generation.
The ideal candidate would oversee Wednesday night youth for Jr.High and Sr.High age students. Preaching and teaching along with genuine love for students is our desire. Attending student functions is highly encouraged. Participating in events such as camps and missions outreach are a must.
We are looking for someone who has the Matthew 19:14 attitude. Who is called to student ministries and is not looking for a stepping stone to another ministry. Someone whose heart genuinely desires to minister to students. The applicant should love student
ministries in all its areas.
This ministry at this time is small in number, so the applicant will need to be up to the task of growing the ministry.
Spirit filled
Called to student ministry
Credentialed with the AG
Preferably a married couple
Self starter
Gifted speaker
Team player
Confident in Biblical truth
Works with a high level of excellence
TRINITY CHURCH is a small body of genuine believers. Our greatest calling is to Glorify God and we strive do that humbly in every aspect of our church. To be a church that is not just going through motions but truly LIVING FOR CHRIST is our purpose! We love to worship. We hold on to biblical truth. And our hearts burn for missions, both locally and abroad. We are a FAMILY OF FAITH and we would love for you to join our family! Come check us out on SUNDAYS AT 10:30.