Women's Pastor

Peninsula Bible Church, Cupertino
Cupertino, California, United States
Date Posted: 04/14/2022
Categories: Women's Pastor
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 751 to 1000
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Women’s Pastor

Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino is an elder-led congregation with 35 years of history located in the heart of Silicon Valley. We enjoy considerable diversity in ages (infants to 90-year-olds), economic and family status, ethnicity, and personal style. We have a deep love for the Bible (as the name might suggest) and are evangelical in theology, but independent of denomination. We are grateful for the stability of deep roots and excited about the adventure before us, “good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Please visit our webpage to find out more about us: https://pbcc.org/what-we-believe/.


We are looking for a creative, compassionate Women’s Pastor to join our team. She will have a shepherd’s heart to craft a vision and provide authentic leadership, teaching and gathering for the women in our community and in the larger Bay Area community as well.

This is a full-time (30+ hours) position at our campus in Cupertino, California and includes Sundays and some evenings.

Responsibilities (may include but are not limited to) This Person will:

  • Foster a shared and engaging future direction for women’s ministry at PBCC which includes women of all ages and stages

  • Recruit, train, and disciple teams of volunteer leaders

  • Lead the Women’s Bible Studies (with team)

  • Mentor and counsel women of the PBCC body listening with empathy and


  • Develop an ongoing strategy for gathering women together throughout the year

    organizing (with a volunteer team) a variety of retreat experiences, and teaching and

    social time

  • Facilitate opportunities for women to serve both inside and outside PBCC

    PBCC Community:

    Collaborate with and serve as a peer on the pastoral staff Some examples include:

  • Participate in weekly staff meetings

  • Host worship services 1-2x a quarter

  • Teach at special events or Adult Education classes throughout the year

  • Preach occasional Sundays as an option

  • Participate in other ministries based on your unique spiritual gifts and interests as the

    Lord leads

Qualifications This person will:

  • Have an active personal relationship with Jesus Christ

  • Possess a faithful, mature, and teachable spirit

  • Have a deep love for the Word

  • Be open to pursue Holy Spirit-led growth and development

  • Have experience with effectively welcoming, communicating with, teaching, and

    shepherding a diverse community

  • Be able to recruit, develop, encourage, and disciple volunteer leaders

  • Be skilled in planning, administering, and executing events as needed

  • Desire to be part of a vibrant, creative, collaborative team

  • Use sensitivity and discernment to keep private matters confidential

  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent plus 5+ years of experience in ministry (Preferred

    but not required)

  • Be open to understanding/committing to the mission, vision, values, and elder

    leadership of PBCC

  • Attend or is currently attending Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino

  • Occasionally move equipment (up to 25 lbs)

    To Apply:

    Interested candidates should submit the following as four separate documents to the following email address: HR@pbcc.org .

  • Cover letter

  • Resume

  • Application

  • A statement addressing the following:

o Write your personal statement of faith
o Describe your faith journey and your relationship with God today
o What excites you most about working with women in the middle of Silicon

Valley? What made you want to be involved in women’s ministry? o What are your spiritual gifts?

Candidates who receive an offer of employment will be asked to sign PBCC’s doctrinal statement.

Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT

Please Note: All candidates are required to complete and submit this employment application.


Home Phone:
If employed, can you submit verification of your legal right to work in the U.S.? Yes No How did you learn about this opening?

Today’s date:

City: Zip: E-Mail:


Please indicate yes or no. Are you available for full time part time overtime Are there any limitations on the hours, days, or time you are available to work?

Business or other phone:


Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, either with our without reasonable accommodation? Yes No

If no, describe the functions that cannot be performed.

(Note: We comply with the ADA and consider reasonable accommodation measures that may be necessary for eligible applicants/employees to perform essential functions.)


Job title or type of work
Desired Salary
Please begin with most recent college/university/technical school. Name of educational institution/location____________

When can you start?

# of yrs. ______________ Completed Major_____________ Did you graduate? __________ Diploma/Degree ________ Other training, certifications or education related to the job you are applying for:

Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a criminal offense (felony or serious misdemeanor)? (Convictions for marijuana-related offenses that are more than two years old need not be listed.) Yes____ No____

If yes, state nature of the crime(s), when and where convicted and disposition of the case. PBCC Employment Application Page 1 of 4

(Note: No applicant will be denied employment solely on the grounds of conviction of a criminal offense. The nature of the offense, the date of the offense, the surrounding circumstances and the relevance of the offense to the position(s) applied for may, however, be considered.)

Were you a victim of abuse or molestation while a minor? Yes____ No____

We understand that this is a sensitive question and we're only asking it to provide, to the best of our ability, a safe environment for our children. If you prefer, you may refuse to answer the above question, or you may discuss your answer in confidence with a pastor rather than answering it on this form. Answering yes, or leaving the question unanswered, will not automatically disqualify an applicant for children or youth work.


List below three persons not related to you who have knowledge of your work or ministry performance within the last three years. Include at least one PBCC or other church reference:

I would like to discuss this with a pastor or counselor. Yes __

Address: Street City

State _____

State _____

State _____

Zip _________

Zip ________



Telephone No. Name:

Number of years acquainted:

Address: Street City Occupation:

Telephone No. Name:

Number of years acquainted:

Address:Street City Occupation:

Telephone No.

Number of years acquainted:

PBCC Employment Application Page 2 of 4



List below all present and past employment starting with your most recent employer (last 10 years is sufficient). Account for all periods of unemployment. Complete this section even if attaching a resume.

May we contact your present employer? Yes 1. Employer


Your Position/Title

Salary: Starting Final

Your Position/Title

Salary: Starting Final

Type of Business Your Duties Manager’s Name/Title Dates of Employment: Reason for Leaving

2. Employer
Type of Business Your Duties Manager’s Name/Title Dates of Employment: Reason for Leaving

3. Employer
Type of Business Your Duties Manager’s Name/Title Dates of Employment: Reason for Leaving

From to

From to

Your Position/Title


From to

Salary: Starting


Attach pages for additional Employment History information PBCC Employment Application Page 3 of 4

APPLICANT’S CERTIFICATION AND RELEASE Please Read Carefully, Initial Each Paragraph and Sign Below

I hereby certify that I have not knowingly withheld any information that might adversely affect my chances for employment and that the answers given by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I, the undersigned applicant, have personally completed this application. I understand that an omission or misstatement of material fact on this application or on any document used to secure employment shall be grounds for rejection of this application or for immediate discharge if I am employed, regardless of the time elapsed before discovery.

I hereby authorize the company to thoroughly investigate my references, work record, education and other matters related to my suitability for employment and, further, authorize the references I have listed to disclose to the company any and all letters, reports and other information related to my work records, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure. In addition, I hereby release the company, my former employers and all other persons, corporations, partnerships and association from any and all claims, demands or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such investigation or disclosure.

I understand that nothing contained in the application, or conveyed during any interview that may be granted or during my employment, if hired, is intended to create an employment contract between me and the company. In addition, I understand and agree that if I am employed, my employment is for no definite or determinable period and may be terminated at any time, with or without prior notice, at the option of either myself or the company, and that no promises or representations contrary to the foregoing are binding on the company unless made in writing and signed by me and the company's designated representative.

The following policies reflect our commitment to provide protective care of all children, volunteers, and employees who participate in church sponsored activities.

  • We must take seriously Paul's admonition to "always conduct yourselves in a manner worth of the gospel of Christ." (Phil. 1:27).

  • Adults who have been convicted of either child sexual or physical abuse may not be involved in any church sponsored activity or program for children.

  • Adults working with children must observe the "two-adult" rule whenever possible; this requires that adults are never alone with children without an adult partner.

    I agree to follow the policies and procedures of Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino.

    Applicant's Signature Date

PBCC Employment Application Page 4 of 4

About Peninsula Bible Church, Cupertino

PBCC is an elder-led congregation with 35 years of history located in the heart of Silicon Valley. We enjoy considerable diversity in age (infants to 90-year-olds), economic and family status, ethnicity, and personal style. We have a deep love for the Bible (as the name might suggest) and are evangelical in theology, but independent of denomination. We are grateful for the stability of deep roots and excited about the adventure before us, “good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Please visit our webpage to find out more about us: https://pbcc.org/what-we-believe/.
