Australian Missions- Sunshine Coast

Redeemer Coast Church
Sunshine Coast, , Australia
Date Posted: 04/15/2022
Categories: Children's Ministry - IT/Technology - Missions/Int. - Music Ministry - Youth Pastor
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 50 to 100
Job Type: N/A
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

We're a pioneer church on the Sunshine Coast Australia, and we're looking for a few genuine ministry minded people who are willing to lay down their lives for the Gospel and help us establish this exciting work in one of the world's most beautiful locations! The church is growing but we need help training leaders and ministering, especially with children, music, youth and outreach.
The ministry opportunities are limitless, but the right person needs to understand servant leadership in a missionary setting. We're Pentecostal, Faith/grace flavor, contemporary and Bible based teaching. 
Australia is definitely a mission field, although it's a wealthy western country and English speaking, there is a great need for outreach and discipleship. 
Visas are available that will allow people to work part time in a secular job to help support yourself. Min wage in Australia ia around $22 Aus. We can assist some ways and will make sure youre not homeless, but we'd -prefer people who are prepared to raise support. We've found that people working roughly half time in Aus are able to support themselves. 
We'd require a minimum 12 month commitment, your job will be to replace yourself- unless you want to continue living in what is one of the best places in God's creation!

Please check us out at to see if you think you will be a good fit. Under 30's in age have an advantage with visas.

Happy to talk more for questions and details. 

About Redeemer Coast Church

 Redeemer Coast is a new church plant on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Located just an hour north of Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast is surrounded by stunning beaches and the iconic Glasshouse Mountains.

Redeemer Coast members come from a range of backgrounds including Charismatic/Pentecostal, Methodist, Baptist, Brethren and Anglican. Our heritage of faith and grace, coupled with a contemporary approach to worship and discipleship has brought a fresh presence of God’s Word and Spirit to the Sunshine Coast.

As with all new works, the possibilities for ministry exist across all areas such as children, outreach, youth, administration, helps and music. In the words of one recent Bible college graduate working with us, “I’ve learnt more in the last six months than in all my years of preparation and training!” You could be planted, grow and minister in a part of the world that most people just dream of visiting! A variety of visas are available for up to two years for people under thirty that will allow them to work part-time for financial support.

We are looking for the few trained, committed and willing workers who are prepared to lay down their lives for the Gospel. It's not for everyone. The cost is real, but the rewards are far, far greater! If you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to us using the buttons below.

