Youth and College Pastor

Fort Myers Community Church
Fort Myers, Florida, United States
Date Posted: 11/09/2021
Categories: Associate Pastor - Church Planter - College/Young Adult Pastor - Combo Positions - Discipleship/Groups Pastor - Family Pastor - Outreach - Recreational/Sports Ministry - Worship/Music Ministry - Young Adult Pastor - Youth Pastor
Denominations: Baptist --SBC
Church Size: 351 to 500
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Build and Establish Youth Ministry for grades 6-12
  • Build and Establish College Ministry

Desired Personality:

  • Pioneer: Champion of strategic vision, results-focused, and problem-solving
  • Connector: Champion of relationships, collaboration, and effective communication
  • High Energy and ability to recruit and train leaders and volunteers

Foundational Beliefs:

  • 5 Solas
  • New Hampshire Confession
  • Nashville Statement

Hiring Process:

  • Step 1: Resume Not Required or Wanted To Start Interview Process
    • Submit a one page PDF including a family picture and no more than a half page about your family and call to ministry/discipleship.
    • Take free 5 Voices Assessment and add your voice order on your initial PDF
    • Before Submitting your PDF please visit our website to make sure you align with language, mission, and vision. 
  • Step 2: Zoom Interview with Pastor/Elder
  • Step 3: Watch all training videos on the Giant Platform that corrolate with your voice order
    • Submit Official Resume
  • Step 4: Zoom Interview with Elders and Advisory Team
  • Step 5: Interview weekend 

Salary and Time Requirements:

  • Range from $36,000 - $40,000
  • No Health Benefits
  • 40 Hours PTO, 40 Hours Vacation per year

Vision For Role:

  • FMCC is a Jesus-ruled, Elder-led, Deacon-served, and Congregationally-responsible church family. Our Elders exist in interdependent plurality. As a leader's influence grows in the life of a church family it would be natural for this role to develop into an Elder/Pastor role. We believe this happens over time as relationships are established. 
About Fort Myers Community Church


FMCC exists to love God, love others, and make disciples


Lives transformed by the Gospel. 

  1. Transformed People
  2. Transformed Relationships
  3. Transformed Community


God-Glorifying, Jesus-Centered, Spirit-Moved

  • What does it mean to be God-Glorifying?
    • We are committed to knowing God (John 17:3), worshiping God (Hebrews 12:28-29; Romans 12:1), and having a personal relationship with God (Acts 17:27, John 1:12).
  • What does it mean to be Jesus-Centered?
    • We are committed to embracing Jesus and our Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9), proclaiming that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life (John 14:6), and centering our lives around the finished work of Jesus (Phil 1:27).
  • What does it mean to be Spirit-Moved?
    • We are committed to being led by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25), embracing the activity and work of the Spirit in our lives (Rom 8:2-6), and living as missional ambassadors through the power of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:13-21). 