KidMin Director (Birth - Grade 5)

Stedman Church
Stedman, North Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 09/01/2020
Categories: Children's Ministry
Denominations: Not Applicable
Church Size: 251 to 350
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

KidMin Director

The role of Kids Ministries Director is a full-time position at Stedman PHC. This person connects with children, parents, and volunteers on a weekly basis. Their aim is to create a gospel-centered, safe, welcoming, fun and motivating environment for our children during weekend services and special events. The Kids Ministries (or KidMin) Director also works to meet specific goals that serve the needs of families specific to Stedman PHC. These goals would be planned and implemented by the children’s ministry team, in collaboration with Stedman PHC Leadership and Staff.


The KidMin Director is also responsible for oversight of ‘Community Groups’ at Stedman PHC. This person seeks to assimilate adults of all ages into our small group system. Their aim is to create gospel-centered environments for adults to connect with one another for spiritual growth and mutual accountability.

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide assessments and feedback about the curriculum as it is being implemented
  • Recruit, train and schedule weekend volunteers
  • Create ongoing training experiences in order to equip your volunteers well, assessing and leading volunteers to grow in their roles
  • Identify key volunteer leaders to work alongside you
  • Manage administrative tasks to keep the ministry organized and running well
  • Regularly assessing effectiveness in communication with parents
  • Assisting and supporting parents as primary disciplers of their children
  • Seeing increase in neighborhood friends and families being invited, as well as outreach specific events created
  • Managing and guiding parent expectations concerning the children’s programs
  • Thinking ‘next steps’ at all times; planning for growth in the ministry
  • Thinking creatively and strategically through summer ministry at the location- a prime time to reach the neighborhood
  • Coordinate and work closely with Student Ministries Director as the focus groups often overlap
  • Strong teamwork skills; ability to work cooperatively and jointly with coworkers, volunteers and leaders
  • Strong administrative skills; this position is approximately 80% administration
  • Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to motivate others
  • Ability to lead and manage a team
  • Ability to problem-solve and identify areas of improvement
  • Strong verbal communication skills both written and in-person
  • Ability to manage time, schedule, and projects efficiently
  • Comfortable taking initiative, self-motivated, and dependable
  • Be or quickly become efficient at:
  • PC & MACs
  • Planning Center
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suite
  • Adobe Suite & Other Video Editing platforms for digital ads
  • YouTube Studio
  • Nucleus Web Building
  • Social Media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc)

Personal Requirements

  • Lives a life consistent with qualities laid out in 1 Timothy 3 for a Deacon
  • To be in a ‘Community Group’
  • To be intentionally fostering a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through your time in the Bible, prayer, and Christian community
  • Is a current Stedman PHC Member or pursuing membership at Stedman PHC and to abide by the by-laws 
  • To reflect Christ in your words and actions in your personal life and ministry. You will be looked up to as you model the Christian faith, and the way you live your life should reflect the Gospel
  • Life marked by personal integrity, holiness, purity, and freedom from any addictions

To apply, please do the following:
• Submit a resume with references + current photo
• Submit links to social media accounts (made public) • All submissions must be complete and sent to

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About Stedman Church

Contemporary Church--Traditional Values.


Dynamic, multi-generational congregation committed to deeply transforming people into lifelong, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
