Director of Operations

Christ's Family Church
Davenport, Iowa, United States
Date Posted: 08/30/2020
Categories: Business/Finance
Denominations: Reformed
Church Size: 251 to 350
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Christ’s Family Church

Davenport, Iowa

Director of Operations

General Description: The Director of Operations serves to support and advance the mission and ministries of Christ’s Family Church through management and oversight of church finances, human resources, buildings and grounds, and church operations. While the Director is vested with the authority to act independently within these four areas of responsibility, it is expected that the Director will collaborate with and work closely with the Senior Pastor in achieving the Pastor’s vision and the church’s mission objectives. Accountability: The Director of Operations will be accountable to the Consistory Leadership Team, with ultimate accountability to the Consistory.

Areas of Responsibility:


•Supervise and guide the work of the Treasurer and the bill paying process of thechurch.
•Consult with the Consistory, church staff, finance committee, Treasurer, andministry team leaders and prepare an annual budget proposal. Present the proposedbudget and justification to the Consistory for its review, revision and approval.
•Throughout the year monitor the approved annual budget and prepare periodicreports on budget status for Consistory review upon its request.
•Approve off-budget expenditures in accordance with guidelines provided by theConsistory.
•Serve as a ‘second signature’ on all bank drafts prepared by the Treasurer.
•Arrange for an annual audit of the church’s financial records and provide theConsistory with a report of audit findings.
•Identify and maintain financial records (e.g. bank statements, payroll records,expense receipts) in accordance with accepted practices for churches.
•Develop, maintain and follow a document retention policy for financial records.
•Recommend and enforce procedures for handling cash anywhere within the church.
•Recommend and enforce authorization levels for budgeted expenses by staff andcommittees.

2.Human Resources

•Lead the human relations function of the church including the communication andenforcement of policies and procedures adopted by the Consistory.
•Evaluate the make-up of ministry teams and allocation of staff resources formaximum effectiveness and make recommendations for improvements to theConsistory.
•Make recommendations to the Personnel Committee and the Consistory on thehiring and discharging of paid support staff.
•Maintain job descriptions for all paid ministerial and support staff positions.
•Oversee duties of secretarial and other paid support staff.
•Maintain knowledge and availability of denominational medical, dental, eye carebenefits and retirement programs available to ministerial staff, as well as benefitsand programs made available to paid support staff.
•Identify opportunities for training and development of ministerial and paid supportstaff.
•In coordination with the Personnel Committee, oversee and administer the church’sperformance evaluation process for ministerial and paid support staff.
•Assist ministerial and paid staff in writing annual performance goals and objectivesthat support the Consistory’s Strategic Plan.

3.Buildings and Grounds

•Work closely with the Property Committee and the Deacons in identifying andaddressing building and grounds upkeep needs.
•Work with the staff, Consistory and the Emergency Preparedness Committee toensure the safety of the building’s occupants and visitors.
•Oversee the work of the Emergency Preparedness Committee to monitor theeffectiveness of the building security and fire alarm systems.
•Remain abreast of disability access requirements.
•Function as facilities manager for all facility usage requests including scheduling andaddressing specific requirements pertaining to facilities usage.
•Arrange for and approve contract services with vendors and suppliers, includingseasonal needs (e.g. snow removal)
•Manage and oversee the work of paid janitorial staff and custodians.

4.Church Operations

•Establish a recurrence schedule, set the agenda, and facilitate staff meetings.Monitor and oversee the completion of follow-up items.
•Plan and facilitate an annual strategic planning process that concludes in a strategicplan.
•Oversee and manage a process for an effective church online presence, including thewebsite, Facebook, etc.
•Oversee and manage church-wide communications to the congregation including achurch newsletter, e-mails, and home mailings.
•Periodically coordinate the formation of a church pictorial directory.
•Evaluate and recommend electronic tools to assist the Consistory in identifyingspiritual and material needs of visitors and members and systems to trackparticipation in worship and the activities of the church.
•Oversee and maintain all membership and baptismal records of the church.
•Establish an effective electronic records storage system and a method for currentpolicies to be accessed by members of staff and the Consistory.
•Oversee buildings and grounds insurance policies, review coverage levels and makerecommendations to the Consistory regarding revised coverage.
•Oversee and maintain files of all legal documents and official policies of the church.
•Evaluate the need for and oversee the purchase of office furniture, equipment, ITdevices as required.
•With approval of the Consistory, attend professional development seminars orclasses as needed to maintain job proficiency or enhance personal development.
•Perform other short term duties as assigned by the Consistory.

5. Qualifications

The person in this position will have the following attributes and background:

•Evidence of a commitment to Christ and His Church.

•Possession of a BS or BA Degree in Business Management, Industrial Management, Human Resources or a related field, or extensive work experience in carrying out administrative duties similar to those identified in this job description.

About Christ's Family Church

In June of 1979, the Davenport property on the corner of Utica Ridge and Crow Creek Road was purchased and through prayer, faith, and perseverance planning and work commenced. In February 1983 meetings were moved to the Georgian Square Office Building. On November 11, 1984, ground was broken on the property in Davenport and construction began. A beautiful building has become a reality through the dedication of many people (members, friends and several churches in the Iowa and Illinois Classis) having worked together, with God’s help, to form a special house of worship. A dream has been realized. Christ’s Family Church continues its outreach to the community with the opening of a day care center in August, 1994.
The process of growing Christ’s family is continuing today. 
What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word to us. Jesus Christ is God’s Son who came to be our Savior. Those who believe and confess in Christ as the only way to salvation become part of God’s family, the church, and receive the gift of eternal life.

We are a part of the family of churches known as the Reformed Church in America.  For more information about the Reformed Church in America, please refer to its website
Our Mission
The mission of Christ’s Family Church is
to lead people to Christ,
to equip them for service in the Kingdom of God
to send them to reach others with the Gospel
that God may be glorified.