Senior Pastor

Evanston Avenue Baptist Church
Muskegon, Michigan, United States
Date Posted: 01/13/2020
Categories: Senior Pastor
Denominations: Baptist
Church Size: 50 to 100
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Senior Pastor Job Description

Qualifications: Meets the Biblical qualifications for an elder according to I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and I Peter 5:1-4 as the general characteristics of his life.

Must be an ordained Baptist minister or a college or seminary graduate planning to become an ordained Baptist minister.

Must be sympathetic to and cooperative with Converge Mid America and in agreement with the constitution and bylaws of Evanston Avenue Baptist Church.

Duties: Preach and teach the word of God. Organize worship services. Function as a member of the Council of Elders. Together with the elders he shall tenderly watch over the spiritual interests of the members and organize and develop the church’s ministry to fulfill its purpose as stated in its Great Commission and Mission statements.

The Council of Elders together, as the under shepherds of Jesus Christ, shall lead the people by their example, feed, nurture, and protect the flock, equip the saints for their work of ministry, and manage the affairs of church life.

About Evanston Avenue Baptist Church

We are an evangelical church who loves Jesus Christ and wants to be obedient to His command to go and make disciples.
