Evangel Assembly of God, located in the northwest corner of Milwaukee, WI is a unique multi-cultural and multi-generational church, in an urban neighborhood with an international blend of people. We are looking for a Spirit filled, energetic, and passionate part-time Worship Leader/Youth Director who is committed to a lifestyle of holiness, a healthy marriage and family life, and has a passion for the Word of God. Our mission is to bring “His Love to Our World” through reaching the lost and training the saved.
The Part time (20 hrs per week) Worship Leader/Youth Director or Pastor will assist the Lead Pastor in the implementation of the church’s vision for Worship ministries and Youth ministries
The Worship Leader/Youth Director shall be directly accountable to the Lead Pastor
He/She shall be a team player, and will work in cooperation with other leaders within Evangel
Worship Leader Qualifications
Able to read sheet music and sing solo in front of congregation
Experience leading a worship team
Able to play one or more musical instruments
Familiar with sound and media technology
Endorse and support the vision of Evangel and the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God
Become a member of Evangel Assembly of God
Worship Leader Responsibilities (approx 7 hrs per week)
Recruit, train, and lead the worship team of vocalists/instrumentalist.
Plan an "Order of Service" for all services
Select music which glorifies God and ministers to the church body.
Lead in weekly service practice & debriefing with the worship team
Participate in monthly (or when agreed upon) staff meetings
Coordinate all musical/multi-media components of weekly worship
Oversee the musical/technical portion of special events when needed
Other worship director functions as assigned by the lead pastor
Youth Pastor/Director Qualifications (approx 13 hrs per week)
A Credentialed Minister with the Assemblies of God (or qualified for and willing to seek credentials)
Two years of Youth Ministry experience (preferred)
Strong organizational and leadership skills. Written and verbal communication skills. Demonstrate an understanding of Godly, positive, conflict resolution.
A proven record of recruiting, motivating, and equipping people
Endorse and support the vision of Evangel and the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God
Youth Director Responsibilities
Lead a life of integrity, as a positive role model for the youth group, and teach from the Word of God and life experiences
Recruit, train, resource, schedule, encourage, and lead team of youth ministry workers to establish a healthy organizational structure for growth and accountability
Lead Youth Group (7th - 12th graders) on Wednesday Nights, discipling the youth in their walk with Christ.
Plan and lead youth activities, youth camps, conventions
Work with Lead Pastor to counsel youth and parents as needed.
Staff meetings, church outreaches, events, and other duties assigned by the lead pastor
Salary ($15,000-$18,000) based upon experience. Consideration will be given to hiring this combination position separately. Please send resume in Word or .pdf format to JayLFischer@aol.com.
Evangel Assembly Of God — 9920 W Good Hope Road — Milwaukee, WI 53224 - myevangel.com
Jay Fischer — Lead Pastor
Evangel Assembly of God, located in the northwest corner of Milwaukee, WI is a unique multi-cultural and multi-generational church in an urban neighborhood with an international blend of people. We are looking for a Spirit filled, energetic, and passionate part-time Youth Director/Worship Leader who is committed to a lifestyle of holiness, a healthy marriage and family life, and has a passion for the Word of God. Our mission is to bring “His Love to Our World” through reaching the lost and training the saved.