Pastor of Worship and Discipleship

First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, United States
Date Posted: 01/16/2018
Categories: Associate Pastor - Combo Positions - Discipleship/Groups Pastor - Music Ministry - Small Group Pastor - Worship/Music Ministry
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 151 to 250
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Pastor of Worship and Adult Discipleship

Job Description


General Description

The purpose of the worship and adult discipleship pastor will be to lead and develop the worship and adult discipleship ministries of FBC.


Supervisor: Senior Pastor                       


Duties and Responsibilities:

1)    Direct the worship ministry

    a)    Work collaboratively with supervisor to prepare the Sunday morning services. 

    b)   Develop a recruitment, discipleship, and training process for the Praise Teams.

    c)    Lead and oversee Praise Teams on Sunday mornings and during weekly practices.

    d)   Oversee the A/V team and manage any A/V technologies associated with the worship service.

    e)    Set annual goals for worship ministry that are in line with our vision and then evaluate how those goals were attained or modified during the year. 

    f)     Prepare and manage a worship ministry budget.

2)    Oversee Adult Discipleship Ministry (A Deacon position)

    a)    Implement a small group ministry that fits within the values of FBC.   

        i)     Develop a recruitment, training and support network for small group leaders. 

        ii)    Create plans for creating and increasing church-wide participation in groups and strategies to make joining a group easier. 

        iii)  Selection/development and implementation of Small Group curriculum. 

        iv)  Lead one of the adult small groups. 

        v)    Equip each small group to adopt a Yearly Missional/Service Goal

    b)   Oversee Adult Ministry Teams

3)    Attend and participate in daily (M-Th) staff prayer meetings and other meetings as they pertain to the position 

4)    Represent FBC positively in all verbal, non-verbal, and written communication

5)    Follow and support established policies for building and equipment use, and develop techniques to address issues in a manner that is consistent with FBC goals and philosophy

5)    Work collaboratively with FBC staff to build and maintain a strong team environment to accomplish the tasks necessary to serve and support the ministries and events of FBC

6)    Set an example for others to follow.  It is essential for church leaders to be role models and consistently walk with the Spirit.  This may be expressed by transparency in a personal relationship with Christ, intense prayer life, continual dependence on grace, servant-heart for others, strong team work ethic, flexibility, a teachable spirit, authentic love for non-believers and desire for them to know Christ, balanced relational life with family and others, and a balanced financial condition.

7)    Other assignments as requested by church leadership


Experience and Qualifications:

·       Minimum of 3 years leading a praise team

·       Strong small group leadership experience.

·       Education: bachelor’s degree required and seminary degree preferred.

·       A strong walk with God through a growing walk with Jesus Christ.

·       Humble, with a desire to grow in personal faith and abilities as a praise and adult discipleship leader.

·       A self-motivator.

·       Has a desire to see volunteers’ discipled through relational ministry.

·       Strong musical and leadership skills. 

·       A team player – works well with others to reach a common goal.

·       A strong leader

·       Meets Biblical qualifications for a deacon



Work Environment:

FBC desires to encourage and support staff in a driven, authentic and joyful ministry together.  We desire each staff person to be fulfilled and thriving in his relationship with God, spouse (if married), and family (if children).  This job description does not state or imply that these are the only activities to be performed by the staff member holding this position.  Staff members are required to follow other job-related instructions and to perform other job-related responsibilities as requested by their supervisor.


Expectations and Compensation:

1)    Full time – Approximately 40% Worship, 40% Small Groups, 10% Adult Ministries, 10% other duties as assigned

2)    Remain flexible in light of a constantly unfolding ministry environment

3)    Salary:  Based on experience


How to Apply:

Please see our website at for more information about the position and to download the applicant questionnaire. If interested, please submit your resume, completed applicant questionnaire, and a video link of you leading worship to with the subject title 'Application for Worship/Discipleship Pastor'.
We will be accepting applications until the position is filled. Thank you for your interest.

About First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids

The foundation of First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids is the Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11), and its code of guidance in all its affairs, the Word of God, and we affirm that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of Almighty God (Mark 13:31).

Our mission is to glorify God by developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ in accordance with the teaching of His Word set forth in the New Testament (Matthew 28:18-20), to sustain its ordinances and doctrines and to preach and proclaim among all peoples the gospel of salvation which is by personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Our vision flows from God’s glory revealed in Jesus Christ. We exist to make disciples who make disciples through winning the spiritually lost, building the believer in their faith, equipping the worker to do the work of the ministry, and growing spiritual leaders who can shepherd and lead God’s people.

Our vision can be communicated in 4 succinct words – LOVE. CONNECT. SHARE. THRIVE.
