FBC Medford
649 Crater Lake Ave, Medford, OR 97504 ~ 541-779-8855
Pastor of Worship Ministries
Job Posting
FBC Medford has a rich history in our community spanning over 130 years. Our church is located in beautiful Southern Oregon with a surrounding population of about 135,000 people. We are focused on building the ministry of FBC to reach out to our community, region and the world with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our current staff consists of two full time pastors, a part time youth pastor, a volunteer pastor of visitation, volunteer director of women’s ministries and administrative support staff. We have approximately 300 that attend on Sunday mornings and we are in the process of raising funds to update and redecorate our Worship Center.
Fulltime staff position to provide leadership for Sunday worship services, various
music ministries, and other pastoral duties based on ministry needs and the candidate’s gifting.
The qualified candidate will know and love God and His Word, and will be a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. This person will need to be in thorough agreement with FBC’s Statement of Faith and willingness to adhere to FBC’s Membership Agreement. He will need to meet the qualifications of an elder as established in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and be able to serve as an elder. He must also have a strong knowledge of God’s Word with the ability to apply its wisdom to the everyday personal and congregational life and a history of commitment to one’s local church through membership and service.
Qualifications (required)
Qualifications (preferred but not required)
To obtain our Opportunity Profile, detailed Job Description and Application, please email acoddington@fbcmedford.org.