Creative Director for Worship

STJ Church
Ellisville, Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 05/13/2014
Categories: Church Developer - Ministry Coordinator/Support - IT/Technology - Outreach - Programming Pastor - Women's Pastor - Worship/Music Ministry
Denominations: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 1501 to 2000
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Come join a team of high-energy, innovative, and passionate people who are relentlessly and creatively pursuing the mission of Christ across several communities in beautiful suburban St. Louis. As the Creative Director for Worship, you will be leading a gifted team to produce services that will inspire and influence people at all points on their journey. You will benefit from being a part of a highly collaborative, entrepreneurial culture that is committed to reaching unchurched people. Why spin your wheels somewhere else? An opportunity for significant impact awaits you here.



The Creative Director will lead a team of gifted, high impact players to create biblically sound, culturally relevant, and outwardly focused weekend services that will fuel the LIFEjourney of all people, both regular attenders and first time guests, at whatever point they may be on their journey.



  • Creative. Utilizes the full spectrum of the arts, pop culture, & media to create unforgettable and impactful experiences.
  • Leader. Makes the whole of a team greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Entrepreneurial. Looks for new opportunities and methods to communicate the Gospel.
  • Culturally Aware. Recognizes and studies the trends of culture and how best to use what’s working in the culture for the sake of the Gospel.


Job Responsibilities:

  • Serve as the Creative Lead/Producer for weekend services, focusing on elements such as stage designs, title packages, games and interactive experiences, dramas, monologues, and other creative elements, as well as coordinating the contributions of tech and musical staff into seamless and transformative experiences.
  • Create and produce special seasonal productions (currently 2 per year), and other worship related events.
  • Lead the Service Planning Team of 8 individuals, (4 full-time, 4 part-time with direct supervision over the 4 full-time staff) in accordance with the mission and vision of St. John Church.
  • Develop along with the Teaching Pastors, topics and themes for message series that will best meet the spiritual needs of our community and regular attenders.
  • Continually strategize and develop our worship style keeping us a culturally relevant, biblically sound, and outwardly focused church.



Full time position working a minimum of 40 hours a week. Must be able to work weekends, typically Saturday 3pm-6:30pm and Sunday 7:00am to 12:30pm. Longer hours required at peak seasons.


To Apply

Interested candidates should submit a resume and answer the following questions in a cover letter:

  • What is your previous worship planning or creative directing experience?
  • What do you believe is the point of a weekend worship service?


Send to or by mail St. John Church, Attention: Tracy Dunn, 15800 Manchester Road, Ellisville, MO 63011. To learn more about our organization visit our website at


About STJ Church

St. John Church is a community focused church which exists to save the lost and strengthen the saved to live bold and courageous lives of Christian witness before a non-believing world.  We have approximately 3,500 members and typically worship about 1,900 per weekend. 


It is our intention to accept and welcome individuals from our community into our church where they are, and at whatever point they may be at in their faith walk.  We offer multiple styles of powerful worship experiences. We expect for our staff members to stand in agreement with our core beliefs and do not focus on a specific denominational background. St. John is a bible believing church originally born out of a Lutheran (Missouri Synod) foundation in 1851.   
