Parkside Church is a growing, vibrant church of 350 that is looking to take our church to the next level of ministry. With our current facilities located directly across the street from the Middle School and High School, we are poised to reach our community
and help those who are far from God take their next steps toward him.
A quiet, centrally located community in northern Arizona to raise your children, with a small town atmosphere, a friendly relaxed, no-pressure way of life where practically everyone knows each other. Additionally, we have wide-open spaces, the Verde river,
a mild 4-season climate and panoramic views from the vistas above our valley.
Engaging in the Love of Jesus
Parkside is a family of faith committed to intentionally transforming our community and world with the love of Jesus.
Next Gen Pastor Purpose Statement:
To develop and refine exciting and passionate Middle School, High School, and Young Adult Ministries that reflect the overall vision of Parkside Church.
Reports to: Lead Pastor
- Create environments for Middle School, High School and Young Adults to Worship God and Engage in Discipleship
- Partner with parents to lead their students to Grow
- Recruit, train and lead volunteers to love and lead students
- Manage budget and student facilities in professional manner
- Create avenues for involvement in Parkside, local community and global ministry in alignment with the vision of Parkside Church
- Create policies and procedures for the church, leaders and students in order to maintain safety and security of the ministry.
- Develop relationships in the community with schools and organizations in order to build bridges into student and young adult culture.
- Attend student and young adult acitivities in the community.
Term of employment:
Full Time salary position with benefits.
- A growing and vibrant relationship with Jesus
- A healthy marriage and family (if married)
- Ability to be an effective communicator of Scripture
- A self-motivated leader that wants to create a ministry from the ground up
- Ability to lead at a high capacity in order to grow with the church
- Has prior experience in leading students in a ministry setting
- Formal Bible training is preferable, but negotiable
- Annual salary with housing allowance
- Ministry expense account
- Annual vacation time
- Medical insurance compensation
Please submit All of the following:
- A resume with picture of you (and your family if applicable)
- A brief letter about you and your passions in ministry
- Why you are a great fit for the passions and vision of Parkside
- Short list of your favorite writers
- A link to your website, blog, videos, Youtube, and/or Facebook page
Submit to Robin@parksidecampverde.com
Website: parksidecampverde.com
no phone calls