Search Results
Senior MinisterMarch 26
LeRoy Christian Church
LeRoy, Illinois -
Senior PastorJanuary 28
Liberty Baptist Church
Bristol, Connecticut -
PastorJanuary 18
Little Rock Baptist Church
Little Rock, South Carolina -
PastorJanuary 8
LivingStone Church of Corydon
Corydon, Iowa -
Marcus Pointe Baptist Church
Pensacola, Florida -
Lead PastorFebruary 27
Middle Cove Bible Church
Duncannon, Pennsylvania -
PastorSeptember 30
Milestone Church
Magnolia, New Jersey -
Lead PastorJanuary 23
Military Street Baptist Church
Houlton, Maine -
Community Coordinator - Portland, OR-1March 13
Portland, Oregon -
Plant Pastor (On site at the main campus for 12-18 months, then launch)February 13
MissionView Church
North Canton, Ohio