Search Results
PastorDecember 10
Sand Lake Baptist Church
Anchorage, Alaska -
Lead PastorOctober 31
Sarasota Community Church
Sarasota, Florida -
Cantonese Ministry Lead PastorOctober 5
Seattle Chinese Alliance Church
Seattle, Washington -
Associate Pastor - Christ Community ChurchDecember 20
Shepherd Staff
Ames, Iowa -
Senior Pastor - Community Worship CenterDecember 18
Shepherd Staff
Perryton, Texas -
Lead Pastor - Eastminster ChurchDecember 13
Shepherd Staff
Wichita, Kansas -
Lead Pastor - Balboa Baptist ChurchDecember 11
Shepherd Staff
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas -
Teaching and Community Pastor - Tri-State Community ChurchDecember 9
Shepherd Staff
Dubuque, Iowa -
Associate Pastor of Family and Youth MinistryJuly 23
Shiloh Christian Church
Logansport, IN , Indiana -
Missionary-English Teacher in JapanDecember 10
Shukugawa Bible Church/ Shukugawa Christian Center