Search Results
Head of StaffNovember 2
CrossRoads Church at Westfield
Westfield, Indiana -
Celebrate Recovery PastorDecember 7
Edgewood Baptist Church
Rock Island, Illinois -
Youth PastorNovember 12
First Baptist Church of Champaign at Savoy
Savoy, Illinois -
Discipleship PastorAugust 19
First Church of God
Columbia City, Indiana -
Discipleship PastorNovember 21
FIVE39 Church
Akron, Ohio -
Groups and Missions PastorDecember 13
Fork Christian Church
Kingsville, Maryland -
Connections PastorDecember 5
Freedom Church
Gallatin, Tennessee -
Pastor/Director of Youth DiscipleshipNovember 27
Grace Bible Church
Elmhurst, Illinois -
Discipleship Pastoral ResidentDecember 12
Hillcrest Bible Church
Oregon, Wisconsin -
Hispanic Ministries CoordinatorDecember 18
Independent Bible Church
Martinsburg, West Virginia