Search Results
Adult Ministries PastorNovember 20
Trinity Church
Lakeville, Minnesota -
American Protestant Church of the Hague Associate Pastor of Discipleship, Formation, and MissionDecember 3
Vanderbloemen Search Group
Assistant PastorOctober 11
Salem Reformed Church
Menno, South Dakota -
Associate Administrative PastorOctober 22
Twelfth Avenue Baptist Church
Emporia, Kansas -
Associate Host Team PastorNovember 12
Edmond, Oklahoma -
Associate LifeGroups/LifeMissions PastorNovember 18
Edmond, Oklahoma -
Associate LifeKids PastorNovember 18
Edmond, Oklahoma -
Associate Minister for YouthDecember 4
Solsberry Christian Church
Solsberry, Indiana -
Associate Operations PastorNovember 18
Edmond, Oklahoma -
Associate PastorDecember 6
Real Life Ministries Treasure Valley
Meridian, Idaho