PG Fellowship

Baxter, Tennessee -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 50 to 100
Phone: 9312677960

PG Fellowship is an active nondenominational church located in Buffalo Valley of Western Putnam
County, TN. Average Worship attendance ranges from 70-110. The church demographics demonstrate
that most of the congregation range in age from 35-55 with a near equal number of men and women.
Approximately 30 in attendance are under the age of 35 and about 25 over the age of 55.
PG has an outstanding praise and worship band that begins the service at 10:45 am each Sunday with an
opening song followed by announcements and offering. The communion service is also held at this time
once monthly. The band follows this with about four songs, depending on the leadership of the Holy
Spirit. After the song service, the Pastor delivers God’s message followed by the altar call and closing
song. The service is usually over by 12:15 pm.
The Fellowship Hall opens at 9 am on Sunday morning with coffee and doughnuts. Discipleship classes
for all ages begin at 9:45 am. Classes include nursery ages 0-3; PreK ages 4-6; Elementary ages 7-12;
Youth ages 13-18; and adults. Worship begins at 10:45 am in the Sanctuary. Wednesday night Dinner is
served at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall followed by Bible Study for all ages from 6:45-7:30. Small groups
are offered for women, men, and children. This study is often followed by corporate prayer in the
Sanctuary and dismissed by 8 pm.
PG Fellowship’s Worship Service is Livestreamed to our Facebook page and later pushed out to Spotify,
youtube and other social media platforms. The church members utilize The Church Center App for
updates and prayer request keeping us connected throughout the day and week. Other information
including church history, what we believe, events, and giving can be found on our website at The church has 7 security cameras that can be monitored remotely and the buildings
are protected 24/7 for fire or break-in by Twin Lakes Security. In addition, a paid officer and appointed
security team are on duty Sundays from 9am until the service is over.
The church has an active Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry. The men have participated in events
such as Men’s Breakfast, Men’s Conference, Playground Build, Church Cleanup and other service
projects. The women have enjoyed fellowship through Bible Study, Women’s Conference, Secret Sisters,
providing Thanksgiving Dinner to the needy, Christmas Caroling and more. The church hosts an Easter
Celebration and Summer picnic. Outreach events are scheduled for the community throughout the year.
PG Fellowship supports two missions with monthly donations totaling $250 each. These include Jerry M.
Ministries and Mike Campbell Ministries. Additionally, the church supports other local benevolences as
presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees. One thousand dollars is appropriated monthly for
local missions.
The church is financially stable and debt free. There are two permanent structures on the campus, two
storage buildings and a playground. PG Fellowship operates a church van to transport people to church or
for church events. During the last five years, the church has enlarged the parking area, put a new roof on
the sanctuary, recarpeted the sanctuary and reupholstered the pews. The student center was renovated
with new flooring and a playground was built and fenced. Four central heat and air units were purchased
to replace the existing ones. There are a few additional maintenance projects to be completed such as
woodwork repair around the windows in the Sanctuary, but most everything is in good repair and
standing. The church diligently works to take care of the facilities and provide an adequate place of Worship.