The Pointe Church of Antelope is looking for a very part time Youth Director. A perfect opportunity to join a great team, perhaps learn the ropes of youth ministry and use your giftings to touch the lives of teens. It's very part time
for now... about 6-10 hours a week.
A few details
- Sunday morning. Teens dismissed just after worship to their own class. Have 7-10 minute message, prayer ready to go. 3 hours a week.
- Wednesday Night, Teen Small Group. Growth comes later. 3 hours per week
- Ability to recruit and manage volunteers. We have a few in place, but need a point person, a teen magnet leader. 1-2 hours a week.
- Ability to follow up, make calls, maintain records and teen data.
- Ability to inspire teens, hang, know the culture. Spiritual big brother type, or young spiritual father type!
- Occassional fun events.
- Reports directly to the Lead Pastor; relates to the rest of the pastoral team.
- Antelope is located just north of Sacramento, near Fair Oaks, Elverta, Citrus Heights.