Messiah's House

Amarillo, Texas -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 1501 to 2000
Phone: (806) 414-4384

The leadership of Messiah’s House looks to create an environment where everything we do is out of being aware of the presence of God. We believe this is our highest privilege.

We also believe in the power of God to move through the operation of the Holy Spirit in the church. We believe bodies can be healed, prophetic words of encouragement can be given and received, and that signs and wonders are the inheritance of God’s children.

Messiah’s House is a place in which the saints become equipped for the work of the Kingdom, to love the world around us. We are committed to discovering in every season God’s purpose for the life of our city, the life of our church, and the individual lives of those who are a part of our spiritual family. We love what we do.


Our greatest desire as a community is to encounter the fullness of God’s presence. In John 17:3, Jesus described eternal life in terms of knowing “the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

So, what is “knowing God”? Knowing indicates that there is an intimate relationship. God wants to meet with us and be in union with us. Our hope at Messiah’s House is for people to really know God, not just know about Him. Everything we do as a church centers around our desire to know God and to worship Him.


Acts 10:38 tells us “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil, for God was with Him." Here at Messiah’s House, we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit!

We believe that nothing is impossible for God! We desire to see people saved, delivered, healed, and set free. We are a people who seek to be led by the Spirit of God and we welcome all of His gifts.


Messiah’s House is a place where Believers are equipped to advance the Kingdom of God. We are a Kingdom minded people and we believe that God has a plan for each and every person.

We are committed to discovering His purpose for ourselves and our church. We know God has a purpose for our church and a reason for Him placing us in Amarillo, Texas. As we discover and live out His purpose in our life, we want to impact our city, our nation, and our world with the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.

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