Copperfield Church is seeking a Lead Pastor to assume leadership of a dynamic congregation in a growing section of Northwest Harris County, a suburb of Houston, TX. The thirty-three-year-old church, is a caring congregation of believers committed to evangelism and missions.
The church is looking for a dynamic, Spirit-led Lead Pastor with the gift of an effective preacher and teacher of the Word of God. A pastor dedicated to helping people learn and understand spiritual truths through preaching and Bible study. He should have a well developed theological understanding consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message. We are looking for an experienced pastor with at least five years of pastoral experience in a multi-staff growing church.
The new Lead pastor must provide visionary leadership and be able to put the church’s vision into action. He will manage the church’s multi-staff, develop a vital wholesome personal relationship with the congregation, be willing to delegate appropriately and communicate effectively. The new Lead Pastor should have an exceptional moral compass and beyond reproach.
Copperfield Church - Pastor Search web site: